How to Keep Your Office CleanPosted by Pure Cleaning (Scotland) Ltd on September 27th, 2019 Keeping your office space clean is good for the people working there and essential if you are using it to meet clients. A dirty office sends out a very poor message about the care and attention you give to your business. It can be very difficult to maintain a good standard of cleanliness in an area that is shared by a number of people but these simple tips can help keep mess to a minimum. 1. Post 'keep our office tidy' notices throughout the workspace A gentle reminder of your clean office policy will increase the likelihood that employees will keep a tidier workspace. There are lots of examples online that you can use or adapt for your particular office. A brief notice will work best, so keep it short or use bullet points. Remind staff that a clear, clean desk is not only necessary for hygiene reasons but also to keep any sensitive information safe and secure too. No one needs to be shamed. 2. Discourage eating at the desk Many people will be surprised to learn that the dirtiest place in an office isn’t the toilet, it's their desk. This is not surprising because many employees now eat at their desks, dropping crumbs and other bits of food on the keyboard. Rotting food is the perfect breeding ground for bugs, germs and bacteria which is not good for the health of your staff. If you have a kitchen or eating area, encourage staff to use this. If not, could you segregate a section of the office as a specific eating area? The other option is to encourage staff to leave the office and go outside for lunch. Many studies have shown how getting away from your desk during the day is good for your health. If none of these ideas are right for your office space you should at the very least provide wipes for keyboards, telephones and computers. It won’t cut out all the bacteria but it will be a start. 3. Office refrigerators If your office has a fridge, shared amongst an entire office then you will have to make rules or you will find that someone (or more than one person) will leave food and drinks inside for months. Bacteria will thrive unchecked in these conditions which is not good for the safety of other members of staff. Make it a rule that anyone who keeps food in the fridge has to store it in a clearly labelled air-tight container. Food that has no label will be binned. It may also be necessary to arrange a rota to check the contents of the fridge on a regular basis. A simple notice on the fridge will reiterate office policy and prevent the spread of illness. Encouraging staff to keep the office clean is always a good idea and will definitely improve the cleanliness of your office. However, it can not take the place of a professional office cleaner. You will also need a good office cleaning company to clean staff toilets, carpets and windows. About Author: Pure Cleaning (Scotland) Ltd is a commercial and domestic cleaning company for clients in Edinburgh, Glasgow and throughout the central belt of Scotland. Like it? Share it! |