LT Panel Manufacturers – Servomax Limited

Posted by servocare on October 1st, 2019

Effective power distribution plays an important role in the functioning of various electrical and electronic equipment. Among different characteristic power-based products, Low Tension (LT) Control panels enable substantial and good quality power supply. They have many outstanding applications in different places like industries, companies, offices, commercial malls, etc. Reliable and standard LT panels for these applications can be obtained from Servomax Limited that is an eminent LT panel manufacturer. This post gives you brief information about the LT panels offered by Servomax Limited.

What are LT Panels?

Generally, certain operators are required to control different types of electric equipment. Such devices are called control panels. Based on the power demand, there are Low Tension (LT) panels, High Tension (HT) panels, Automatic Power Factor Control (APFC) Panels, and so on to provide power to various simple and complex electricity-based products.

Now, let’s know about LT panels.

As you know, different types of appliances need different power input levels. LT control panels receive power from the power source or transformer and distribute it to the required system. Generally, the voltage levels of about 11 kV, 33 kV, 66 kV, or 132 kV are used in industries. Using step-down transformers, this voltage is reduced to the required levels. The voltages that are in the range of 440V or below are considered as low tension systems.

LT panels obtain power from the transformers and supply to the equipment – these are floor-mounted units that act as the main effective sources of power. They supply power to the sub-LT panels, sub-distribution boards, lighting distribution boards, or power distribution boards.

Special Additive Characteristic Features of LT Panels

Though LT panels are meant primarily for power distribution, they are nowadays made more advanced and perfect with certain special characteristic features.

They are enabled with SMS facility for energy reading and lower power factor.
They are entangled with earth fault relay.
They include phase sequence indications.
They are used for indoor and outdoor applications in industries, huge residential complexes, airports, stadiums, and other places.

Servomax Limited – An Eminent LT Panel Manufacturer in India

Servomax Limited is one of the best places in India that offer excellent power solutions. It is engaged in manufacturing various kinds of power-conditioning and power-saving products. Among its outstanding product portfolio, LT panels are one.

Servomax Limited manufactures LT panels using good-quality raw materials. The manufacturing processes and testing methodologies are carried out following global standards. The Company helps in offering customized models of LT panels based on the mode of application. The panels meant for industrial applications get exposed to different kinds of harsh environmental conditions like heat, dust, etc. Servomax Limited manufactures standard and reliable LT panels that are not damaged under such severe climatic conditions.

They are characteristically engaged for products like power distribution boards, main lighting distribution boards, feeder pillars, control desks, non-segregated LT bus ducts, and so on.

Servomax Limited ensures that the capacity of the LT panels can be expandable. So, these are advantageous for any customer.

Its reliable panels are perfectly suitable for -

Process Industry
Steel Industry
IT Companies
Commercial Projects
Residential Buildings
Textile Industry
Food Industry

LT Panels from Servomax Limited enable lower energy consumption. This is a great cost-effective element for industries. Therefore, they are affordable solutions to one and all.

Furthermore, with the branded service system, it provides spectacular timely and quality services to the LT control panels and other power-conditioning and power-saving products. With the famous brand of Servocare, it established a loyal mark in its customers’ minds. However, it is appreciable as it offers quality services not only to its self-branded products but also to products of other competitive brands in the markets. This shows the generous excellence of Servomax Limited.

So, Servomax Limited is the best economical choice for obtaining perfectly suitable customized LT control panels for diversified applications.

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Joined: April 18th, 2019
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