What do you know about the Hindu festival of light- Diwali?

Posted by Aditya Pandy on October 3rd, 2019

What comes to your mind when I say the word Diwali? Some will say rows of diyas (clay lamps) decorated on the walls while others will hark back to the scene of the glowing sky due to firecrackers. And Some will instantly remember that they are running late to look for Diwali gifts for friends and family but believe me, Diwali is much more than all that. 

Taking place on 27th October this year, Diwali is for sure the most important festival of Hindus. It also happens to be a festival that is not bounded by regional barriers as it is celebrated all over India, oh! Not only India but many parts of the world too, making it one of the most widely celebrated religious festivals. We have been celebrating this auspicious day for so long now but how well do you know about your favorite festival? Why do we celebrate Diwali? Why do certain customs revolve around this festival? What is the purpose of a Diwali gift? Ever thought about all these questions? 

Time to brush up your knowledge about the festivals you keep on waiting for the whole year long. 

Here is some factual information about Diwali that you should definitely know. 


First, let’s understand what Diwali is about. Most of us know that Lord Rama defeated Ravana and rescued his wife Sita. Most Hindus believe that Diwali was the same day when Lord Rama along with his wife Sita returned from the exile of 14 years. To celebrate their return to the homeland, villagers prettified the whole village like a newlywed bride. They lit oil lamps to illuminate his path. 

Other groups of people believe that it is the birthday of goddess Laxmi, goddess that holds the wealth and prosperity department. Now you know the reason for praying goddess Laxmi on this grand day. 

The significance

Diwali is celebrated in different parts of the world; thus, it becomes obvious that it is popular amongst different religions too. Every group of people has its own stories that revolve around Diwali. But despite all differences of traditions and beliefs, the significance or the symbolism remains the same. And that is the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. Thus, people make sure that their homes are spick and span, and no part of the house is left unlighted.  

The name

Diwali has been the most famous festival in the world. And at this time of the year, you will literally witness that Diwali is the most common word chanted by people. But did you know from where this word originated or what does it mean? If not, don’t worry, many of us didn’t. Well, the word Diwali is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘Deepavali’ which means a row of lights (eastern diyas). Thus, it is known as the festival of lights. 

Festival for all

As I already mentioned that Diwali is celebrated worldwide. Though Diwali is predominant in Hindus, it is certainly not limited to north India. It is a well-celebrated festival in south Asia as well. It is a national holiday in countries like Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mauritius, Myanmar, etc. that makes it famous amongst several religions (other than Hinduism) like Sikhism, Jainism, and other folk religions. 

The rites

When I say rites or traditions, the first thing that comes to our mind is the custom of exchanging gifts, right? It is the most famous tradition, and we follow it by heart. But did you know that it is an age-old tradition and people started it when there were fewer resources, and so they shared everything they had amongst each other?  Though the tradition has evolved with time at least now you know why are you looking for Diwali gifts in Delhi.  

Also, it might come as a shock to many of you, but Diwali is a festival of five days. Yes, though the focus is on the main day, Diwali calls for a full five-day celebration. The five-day celebration is divided into festivals such as Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Lakshmi pooja, Padwa, and Bhai dooj. 

So, that was some historical information about your upcoming favorite festival - Diwali. 

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Aditya Pandy

About the Author

Aditya Pandy
Joined: October 3rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 1