5 Simple Methods to Get Rid of Pimples

Posted by DermaCareClinic on October 4th, 2019

While getting Pimples is a normal, everyday skin condition that upsets all of us at one time or another, having them is hurting as well as embarrassing.  But before you explore ways to get rid of pimples, it’s important to know the physiology behind hand them.  For most people, pimples are nothing extra than a reflection of skin irritation that results from the pollution of the oil-producing glands in the skin.  In most cases, the glands become irritated somehow and simply begin to create too much oil, which results in a saturation of the gland.  This excess oil traps bacteria generally found on the skin and causes the infection and the resulting pus production.  This is what causes the actual higher area on the skin.

1. Ice

For a pimple that has not yet caused in a push filled eruption on the skin, ice can be used to reduce swelling and encourage the oil glands to compress and push out the additional oil and bacteria from the irritated glands. To usage ice to discourage the formation of pimples:

  • Wrapping the ice in a piece of cloth and hold it on the precious skin area for a few seconds.
  • Wait for a few minutes and recurrence of the process.

2. Lemon

Another great way to resolution pimples is to use fresh lemon juice.  The mild citric acid will operate as a clean and kill the bacteria in the gland while working as an astringent to dry up excess oil.  There are a couple of ways to apply this therapy.

  • Using a clean, sterile cotton wipe, apply the lemon juice to the affected areas prior to bedtime.
  • For more stubborn pimples, create a paste of lemon juice and cinnamon powder and drop onto pimples for all night treatment.  This will help get rid of pimples quickly but is not recommended for people with delicate skin.

3. Honey

Honey has long been known as a naturally pure and can help destroy the bacteria in the oil glands quickly, helping to speed up the healing process.

  • First use clean cotton-tipped application and dab the honey directly onto the skin blemishes, leaving it on for at least 30 minutes previously bathing with warm water.
  • Additionally, you can make a paste with cinnamon powder similar to that of the lemon juice and allow the mixture to remain in contact with the pimples overnight before rinsing.

4. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is an unlimited pimple treatment that most people have access to without having to take a trip to the grocery store.  Toothpaste is best used as a follow up to icing to produce the firmest results.  It is important to note that white paste must be charity rather than gel.

  • Dab some white toothpaste to the affected parts of the skin before bed and leave overnight, rinsing with cool water in the morning.
  • If you aren’t going anywhere, you can reprise the process during the day, making sure to leave the toothpaste in contact with the pimples for at least thirty minutes to be effective.

5. Steam

Steam has some amazing profits for the skin, opening up your pores and flushing all the bad stuff out.  This works well for people with pimples.

  • First, fill a large pot with hot water from the tap and then location your face so that it comes into contact with the rising steam.  Under no circumstances should you allow your skin to come into contact with the hot water as this can cause baking.
  • After thirty minutes, gently pat your face dry and apply an oil-free moisturizer over the whole face.

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