Some Detail&8% off cheapest wow classic gold for The Dire Maul dungeon Until OctPosted by Maggie on October 8th, 2019 Ion Hazzikostas recently shared some pretty interesting information about the future of Battle for Azeroth, but also about the upcoming content for Classic, in the latest official video!The Dire Maul dungeon and its three wings for a total of 19 bosses, will arrive on October 16th.Although we don't yet buy wow classic gold and have a date for the other features of Classic Phase 2, the latter is still planned for late 2019, with: More Realms on a single Layer For direct damage dealers, it almost never makes sense to group up in Classic WoW for speed for anything except dungeons. Every mob you kill with someone else directly splits the experience, so if you kill a monster with a friend, you’ll each get half the experience. If you have a full group of friends, you all want to play together, and you still want to speed-level to 60, you could try and justify the reduced kill experience by noting that you’ll be getting questing experience more quickly, since you’ll be completing quests faster and moving on to the next. Realistically, there are a couple of problems with that plan: while there are enough quests in Classic WoW to get you from 1-60 without grinding, that’s only if you get the full experience from the mobs you kill. If you group up, you will almost certainly have to grind to get you the rest of the way there. Because grinding alongside questing awards more experience than just straight grinding in the same area, this reduces the efficiency of groups. The exception to this rule is if you play a hybrid class, want to play as a tank, or play a character that is primarily healing-spec. Leveling with those classes and specializations can be brutally slow, and pairing up with another hybrid or slow-leveling class (a tank plus a healer, for example) can help move things along for both of you. Getting this profession is key on WoW classic leveling even if you’re a class that can heal itself and you may ask why?Mana is spent fast and you will find yourself out of mana several times during your leveling experience, now if you’re using mana to both attack and heal yourself it would double the amount of time you will be investing drinking water instead of questing, and believe me it matters. But this is not the only reason why I’m telling you how good First Aid is, there will be a time when you’re killing mobs and you will accidentally pull another one or it will simply spawn right next to you and in these situations having a band with you could be the difference between killing the mobs or having to run back for 2 minutes to your body Great Offers for Autumn:Up to 8% off WOW Classic Gold & More on for you Until Oct.14!The World's Top WOW Classic Website-wowclassicgp Supply Various WOW Classic Products, like Wow Classic gold,Powerleveling, items with World's Rock-Bottom Price!Welcome to Use Code ASP8 to buy wow gold US/EU from!Like it? Share it!More by this author |