Looking for a Better Tooth Replacement Solution than Dentures Long Island?

Posted by Jason Mittel on October 10th, 2019

If you have or will soon experience tooth loss, you owe it to yourself to find out more about advanced treatments. If you need to replace an entire row of upper or lower teeth, Farber Center offers the best All-on-4 permanent dentures Long Island has available. If you're near Medford or Hauppauge, NY, stop in today to find out more. There is no need to live with the stigma and discomfort of tooth loss. In the United States alone, more than 175 million people have lost one or more teeth. It has trigged growth in the tooth replacement industry and led to the revolution of dental implants. They are the most effective method of having replacement teeth that look and function like natural teeth. For people who have lost an entire row of teeth, individual implants may be too costly and time-consuming. For the implant-supported dentures and bridges can be the best solution. They are a minimally invasive method of supporting an entire arch of teeth on only four strategically placed implants. The new teeth are firm, fixed, and non-removable. The implants are placed during a single surgery and heal all at one time. It can be completed on an outpatient visit all in one day. It is a significant advancement that allows an entire row of teeth without undergoing multiple procedures.

Implant-supported dentures and bridges are ideal solutions for nearly everyone who has lost teeth and wants a good-looking permanent replacement. They provide you with the ability to live a full and healthy life with a firm bite and a beautiful smile. Anyone who already wears dentures or has lost multiple teeth is a candidate for the treatment. It also works for people who do not have adequate jawbone density to support an entire set of individual implants. You'll save time and money – and enjoy many of the benefits of dental implants. Your new teeth are cared for by brushing and flossing the same way you do with natural teeth. They also operate similarly so that you can eat any foods you wish and crew comfortably with a firm bite. There also is no need for the discomfort or wires or brackets to hold implants in place. They support themselves by fusing firmly to your jawbone. Also, on the subject of bone, implants prevent bone loss and facial appearance changes that occur when teeth are pulled, and the sockets are left empty. No one will be able to tell you are wearing a dental prosthetic and you don't need to be concerned about hot or cold foods having any effects as they can with traditional dentures. You'll look better, feel better, and be enjoying all the foods you love.

From an oral health perspective, the implants supporting your arch of teeth help prevent bone deterioration in the jaw known as resorption. It means your facial features are preserved, and your jaw is healthier. It keeps the bone stable and prevents the body from taking back the minerals that compose it. Many patients notice an improvement in their facial features over time after implants have been placed and heal. The success rate for implant-supported dentures is as high as 98-percent. Before surgery, your dentist will have taken CT scans for 3D images of your jaw. The implant placement is guided by computer models and, therefore, much more effective and with fewer potential side effects. It means you will leave the office with a set of a beautiful temporary teeth attached to your implants. When they heal, the permanent bridge is affixed non-removably, and the procedure is complete. Anesthesia is available and most patients report surprise at how comfortably and smoothly their procedures turn out. Experienced and dedicated dentists and oral surgeons are highly trained and have treated hundreds of thousands of patients successfully and with outstanding results.

Jason Mittel is the author of this article. For further detail about All-on-4 permanent dentures Long Island please visit the website.

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Jason Mittel

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Jason Mittel
Joined: September 12th, 2019
Articles Posted: 18

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