Consultants can be excellent resources, who can really make a difference in your business. However, they should be chosen wisely so as to enjoy optimum benefits of hiring one. Following are some of the tips to keep in mind with regard to the recruitment of hospitality consulting services Dubai-
Involve key staff: it is critical to ensure their active participation. The risks of failure rise enormously unless key associates are involved in the decision-making process of hiring a consultant. If you do not adopt this proactive approach, the resentment or negativity can torpedo the project before it actually kick-starts.
Set specific and clear expectations: it is one thing to respond to RFPs and make effective presentations, but those proposals may not include measurable outcome or results. Expectations should be centred around clear and defined deliverables, including time and expense details.
Establish accountability for each phase of a consultant’s time and interaction: hospitality consulting Dubai UAE may research, discuss and seek to get buy-in on solutions, but they are not concerned with the execution of the final plan for an organization. It is therefore essential to identify those steps and actions that the consultant is responsible and accountable for.
Define levels of authority: according to Drucker’s quote, a consultant is someone who asks questions and then shares counsel. Consultants offer exceptional advice to hospitality businesses, hotels and restaurants, but they should not be allowed to run your hospitality business unless that constituted a part of the expectations and accountability mentioned above.
Match your needs with the specific consultant for your assignment: let’s just put it this way, someone with exceptional credentials as a chef may not be able to design your dining room layout. Similarly, a successful sales manager in select markets may fail to attain the same success in global marketing planning.
Most hospitality companies in Dubai have a considerable background in hospitality industry, but may have never owned their own business. Consequently, they may not be able to understand the stress the pressures of operating a family owned business.
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kunal joshi Joined: August 13th, 2018 Articles Posted: 92