Breast cancer develops in the cells of your breasts. Through extensive support and research funding to build awareness about breast cancer, diagnosis and treatment have significantly advanced in recent times. As a matter of fact, the survival rates of patients suffering from breast cancer have seen a marked increase with a steady decline in the number of fatalities.
This has been made possible because of factors like early detection, a novel personalized line of attack to arrest and treat breast cancer, and lastly a more insightful understanding of the disease.
Read on to familiarize yourself on how radiotherapy and chemotherapy help treat breast cancer and preempt its recurrence.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy utilizes high-power-yielding energy beams like X-rays and protons to exterminate the cancer cells.
Typically, radiation therapy is carried out by means of a large machine that emits external beam radiation aimed at specific body parts attacked by the onslaught of cancer.
However, in brachytherapy, another distinct form of radiotherapy treatment for cancer, radiation is accomplished through the positioning of radioactive material within your body.
Once lumpectomy in the course of a breast cancer treatment is done your whole breast is more commonly subjected to external beam radiation.
On the off chance, you’ve got reduced risk of a recurrence of cancer breast brachytherapy may be considered an effective healing option after the execution of a lumpectomy.
Furthermore, doctors may come up with a recommendation of radiation therapy on the chest wall.
This needs to be carried out once a mastectomy to cure large-sized breast cancers or cancers that have metastasized to lymph nodes is accomplished.
Based on the progress of the treatment, radiation therapy for breast cancer can continue for a period ranging from three days to several weeks.
A radiation oncologist from a cancer hospital in India resorts to radiation therapy for treating cancer after determining the precise treatment needs depending on:
o Your overall health
o Your cancer type
o The stage of cancer you’re currently in
o The location of your cancerous tumor
Radiation therapy causes fatigue and inflamed, red, sunburn-like rashes as side effects at exactly the places exposed to radiation.
Once radiation therapy is over and done with, your breast tissues may well appear more swollen or firm.
On the odd occasion, you might come across occurrences of more severe problems, for example, extensive damage to heart or lungs and recurrence of cancer in the treated areas.
At cancer hospitals in India, chemotherapy takes recourse to drug application for destroying fast-developing cancer cells.
Usually, your doctor puts forward a recommendation of chemotherapy after your breast cancer surgery, given that your cancer is more prone to form a relapse or spread to other body parts.
Therefore, with chemotherapy the odds of cancer to recur will go down.
At times chemotherapy is administered prior to surgery especially in women suffering from big-sized breast cancer tumors.
The main goal lies in shrinking the tumor to a smaller size so that it can be removed effortlessly through the best breast cancer surgery.
The pioneering treatment of chemotherapy is also applied to women whose breast cancer has propagated to other body parts.
Sometimes the recommendation of chemotherapy is suggested to try and get a sway over cancer and reduce the possibilities of occurrence of any symptoms which the cancer is resulting in.
The side effects of chemotherapy rely heavily on the drugs that you receive.
Commonly observed side effects include the following.
o Hair loss
o Nausea
o Vomiting
o Fatigue
o Heightened risk of contracting an infection
Occasionally, a few side effects that seldom happen include the following.
o Untimely menopause
o Premenopausal infertility
o Damage done to the heart
o Damage done to kidneys
o Damage to the nerves
o Leukemia
Women suffering from breast cancer and seeking care at Paras, a leading Patna cancer hospital, will be offered expert, personalized care by dedicated breast cancer specialists making efficient use of the most recent treatment technology and innovations.