The Development of Printed Circuit BoardPosted by Pamela Houpt on October 11th, 2019 With the rapid advancement in technology we are moving towards more and more modernized hardware components of electronic devices and printed circuit boards or PCB are one of those devices. There has been a vast development in terms of these boards with respect to printed circuit boards design and development and they are become more and more durable and also shrinking in terms of its size. There is various development processes that takes place during its manufacture and this article will help you identify all those stage of development of printed circuit boards.
The first and the foremost thing in any circuit board are its design and layout. The designer for any circuit board needs to confirm the/ her ideas before that design has been put into picture. Once the design has been approved now the diagrammatic representation is all set to form a lay out. There are also various kinds of design software also available and making the use of those software these software also ensure that no design goes undetected and every design that has been created forms an accurate printed circuit board.
After the designs have been approved the next step taken by the manufactures is printing of the file to a film. They use special printer to plot the design of the lay out to the film. The printers are not just standard jet ink printers but rather a highly advanced technology of printed circuit film is made to use and print the films of printed circuit board design. The final product is a black negative of the film printed on the sheet and each layer of the sheet is marked with the solder to ensure a perfect bonding and printing of the sheets.
The previous printing was intended to figure out the mapping of the sheet. Now, the printing is conducted on to the copper foil. The inner material of the film is also known as the substrate material and this material is glass fiber or epoxy resins. Substrate material is used to ensure that the film is made without the interference of any dust particles and the film is bonded with copper on both the sides. Now, the film receives a photo sensitive material that makes the whole film photo resistant after it passes through ultra violet rays the material becomes hard. After the pins have been placed on the hardened material the sheet passes through the blast of UV rays. After the board is ready as the finished product printed circuit board is ready to be washed with the solution of alkaline that ensures that any unhardened material is removed from the sheet.
Now, the final product of the printed circuit board is ready for those that require multiple layering of the boards requires more steps in the process and as many layers of the board are required as the layering process involves it depends upon the design and layering out process of the printed circuit board. Like it? Share it! |