4 Signs It’s Time To Change The Bong Water

Posted by georgeperry on October 22nd, 2019

Ask a marijuana smoker, he will enlighten you with the importance of changing bong water regularly. But when the water should be changed is still a big question for some of them. Even after years of the smoking experience, they fail to correctly tell when they must replace the water of bong pipes.

  • Why should you change the bong water?

Inhaling dang and turbid bong water can make you sick. Ashy resin, fungus, and bacteria reach your lungs and make you prone to various health issues like pulmonary infections. In addition to this, filthy water never gives you the best of the smoking experience.

  • When is the time to change the bong water?

Even if you regularly change the water, you need guidance on when is the correct time to drain the bong water. To help you out, we have shared a list of signs that indicate when you must clear your water pipe and add fresh water.

  • Bad Odor

Can you smell something fishy, literally? If you do, the bong has started to emit a nasty odor. The water should have been changed long ago. Well, you are not too late to change it now and clean the water pipe. At this point, simply washing the pipe under the running tap will not help, you have to use salt and alcohol to clean your bong. Also, use boiling water to disinfect it.

  • Water is dark in color

When the water has gone from colorless to dark brown, change the water as soon as possible. Do you also see solid particles floating over it? You have overdone smoking using the same water. Under normal usage, the clear water becomes discolored, usually turns to light brown. The more the color gets darker, the greater is the chance to catch the lungs infection.

  • Resin Buildup

Some smokers scrape the resin, collected within the dab ring, to retrieve the last bit of smoke. However, this practice isn’t good for health. Often burned and charred resins get collected inside the bong. Their use not only distorts the flavor but also spoils the bud you are smoking.

  • Mold and Mildew Buildup

Mold and mildew make their home wherever they find moisture and bong pipes make a perfect environment for their breeding. Even if you are a regular smoker, you have to be extra careful with the water pipe, the best place for them to thrive. Whenever you see a white and fuzzy substance or discoloration, or powdered surface, drain the bong water. In addition to this, wash it thoroughly using alcohol and salt.

When you believe you have to change the water more than often, buy new Ace Labz water pipes to continue with your best smoking experience.

Author’s Bio – The author is an online blogger. This article is about changing bong water

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