How Can Residential Architectural Rendering Help Customise Floor Plans?

Posted by Kuldeep Bwail on October 31st, 2019

Well, everyone’s a happy camper when residential architectural rendering can customise floor plans – customers, owners of new homes and homebuilding firms. Customers get to see what they’re getting and explore changes, and homebuilders get to show what they’re building and incorporate changes, so that any doubts, confusion or miscommunication is significantly reduced. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, so no matter how detailed the verbal or written description is, a homebuilder’s 3D rendered images can represent residential design in a realistic manner to potential clients and other project stakeholders. In large homebuilding projects, when homeowners want to include their unique ideas for their individual spaces, using architectural 3D rendering to customise floor plans can be of considerable benefit.  

A rendered floor plan helps laymen visualise how furniture, people, light and materials may appear in a designed space. Rather than try to comprehend architectural drawings, residential architectural rendering helps provide homeowners with a realistic understanding of design spaces. Though both 2D and 3D floor plan renders can portray custom finishes, architectural 3D rendering packs a more powerful punch.  

How so?

The two basic rendered floor plans are 2D and 3D rendered plans. The 2D plan involves adding 2D textured images below the line work on an AutoCAD drawing or a PDF file. The plans are simplified, some text is added and perhaps dimensions are added. A 3D rendered plan includes greater depth and detail, where heights of interior items and shadow add to its realism.  

Some of the more important reasons that large homebuilders opt to create 3D renders to help customise floor plans are:  

  • Realistic Image - The image matches the actual design in great detail. A professional 3D visualiser  designs a digital model, using the dimensions/floor plan of the actual scene for accuracy, thus creating a visual which is proportionate. Textures and lighting are also shown in a realistic manner. These can be changed, as per the needs of the customer, and can be generated repeatedly until the customer sees what he/she had only imagined before.  
  • Ease of Execution - Digital tools, such as 3ds Max, V-Ray, Mental Ray and Photoshop, can be used to edit renders, so that dimensions can be changed and furniture and other elements can be added, removed or modified. Even the interior decoration of the design space can be visualised with relative ease, enabling easy customisation.  
  • Customer Satisfaction - When customers can see how the designed space will appear, confusion, miscommunication and dissatisfaction can be minimised, or even eliminated. They can even estimate how much certain textures or furniture may cost them, and they do not have to visit the site. Also, customers will be pleased that the builders are making an investment in helping them understand what the end result will look like, thereby increasing the customer’s trust. Changes will need to be made to customise these plans and they may involve more time, but the time taken would be worth the customer’s satisfaction.  
  • Design Presentation - For those in marketing and those involved in acquiring approvals, a 3D architectural rendering can be a realistic, smooth look at a particular space that is usually shown to great advantage.  With 3D technology, the design can be modified in real time, even during a presentation, making customisation seamless.  
  • Saving of Time - By sending a 3D rendering, an actual meeting can be avoided, saving time. Changes can be communicated and executed faster on the renders than having to travel to several back-and-forth meetings.  
  • Adaptability - A 3D rendered plan can be adapted to create animations and snapshots. These can help determine any required modifications to customise the space.  

Further customisation can be possible with interactive floor plans and visualiser features. A 3D image of a home’s façade and interiors can be created with visualiser features and interactive floor plans. The plans can be used to develop interactive site views. Real-time views with impressive 3D graphics are then generated, and customised changes can be viewed, saving both time and money involved in potential changes later on.  

Interactive floor plans allow the viewing of the finished home in virtual reality. Furniture can be placed, and viewers will know how that furniture fits into the available spaces. Interactive floor plans use certain software to make changes to the floor plans. They also enable the following:  

  • Extending rooms
  • Adding or removing extensions
  • Resizing windows
  • Changing lighting options
  • Colours and materials can be mixed and matched.
  • Shapes and patterns can be blended.
  • The finishing of cabinets, wall tiles, floor tiles, floor finishing, countertop material, etc. can all be changed and viewed in advance to decide what is best for each homeowner.
  • Customisation based on budget. These plans give homeowners the flexibility to have a home with the interiors they desire at the price they can afford. This is made possible by the removal of wasteful elements and by the inclusion of only those elements which are necessary.
  • By viewing how specific furniture will look and fit into available spaces, furniture can be ordered early or curtains can be purchased in advance, so that they can arrive in time for occupation.
  • Colour schemes and room themes can be planned well in advance, and visualiser features can show how those concepts will appear.
  • The stress associated with making selections for a home can be minimised. By visualising how flooring, furniture and wall textures will look, changes can be made in the design.  

So, where residential architectural renderings in general help customers and project stakeholders visualise what a home will look like and can drive the marketability of a home, the detail in 3D architectural rendering services and scope for making changes in 3D technology make it an ideal option for customisation of floor plans.

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Kuldeep Bwail

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Kuldeep Bwail
Joined: September 27th, 2016
Articles Posted: 28

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