Lost in Translation? There’s a Whole Industry to Help

Posted by Christian Book Translations on November 7th, 2019

Translation services are an area of service that most people never think twice about. Unless you specifically require something to be translated, these types of services are easy to overlook. However, the translation service industry has shown consistent growth for several years with little indication of slowing any time soon. This is in part due to the growing population in general, but especially of those speaking languages other than English.

English was and still is, for the most part, considered the language of business. Yet, other languages are rapidly growing and will soon overtake English as the most widely spoken language when included as a second language. This means that translation services are still widely needed.

Finding a Translation Service

If you have something that needs translated, whether a meeting, show, or learning materials, a translation service is necessary. This is doubly true for Christian translation services because a translator is not only translation audio, video, or written words, but must convey messages related to the Word of God. This means the message and underlying importance of what is written cannot be lost when translated to a new language.

Christian translation services accomplish just that with the use of talented translators who also have a deep understanding of the Gospel message and Bible content. This is important because a Christian message can easily be lost when the material is translated due to poor word choice.

When looking for a Christian translation service, make sure the translators are Christians and professional translators. Further, check to make sure that translations are completed by humans and not computers or a combination. While translating the occasional word by computer is fine, multiple phrases or large chunks translated by machine can water down or totally alter a translation.

There is an aspect of human translation that can be seen as negative, time and cost. It is a bit more expensive to have a complete human translation of materials, however, the end product will be better. It also takes longer for a human to translate a given text or video, but the translation will make more sense when complete. This is because mechanical, or computer based, translation, translates word for word. If you have ever visited a website that was translated by computer into your own language, then you understand that word for word translation can leave the material awkward to read and understand.

Why is Translation Important?

Translation, especially Christian translation services, are important not only so materials can be shared or sold, but because the Word of God can be shared. Being able to pick up and read a Bible each morning is a privilege that many take for granted, as is being able to go to the store or online to find supplemental materials for further learning, but this is not available to everyone.

It can be a welcome change to pick up a Bible or Christian text that is written in a native language as this allows for better and deeper understanding. Many people can read in multiple languages, but understanding is best in a native language. Getting Gospel tracts, shows, and materials into the hands of those around the world is an area that should never be overlooked.

If you are looking for reputable, proven Christian translation services, consider Christian Lingua. With highly trained professional translators that are also all strong Christians, Christian Lingua can provide translation for all your audio, video, or text-based materials. Make sure your translation is completed by the best. Get started today.

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Christian Book Translations

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Christian Book Translations
Joined: September 19th, 2019
Articles Posted: 2

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