Top 5 CSS Interview Questions to Learn About in 2020

Posted by codingtag on November 7th, 2019

If you want to become a front-end developer, then you must be searching for CSS Interview Questions. CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheet is the most common language used for designing HTML web pages. 

  1.       What is box model in CSS? What are the different components?

Box Model in CSS is a layout which consists of rectangular division consisting of HTML elements on a page. Different components which are included in CSS box model are:

  •          Content: the text or image element
  •          Padding: space between the content and border
  •          Border: space surrounding the content and padding
  •          Margin: space surrounding the content and border
  1.       Mention different types of styles included in CSS.

Different types of CSS styles are:

  •          Embedded
  •          Inline
  •          External
  1.       How many selectors are there in CSS? Name them.

There are a total of 4 selectors in CSS namely:

  •          Class Selectors
  •          ID Selectors
  •          Element Selectors
  •          Group Selectors
  1.       What is Mixin in CSS and how is it used?

Mixin in CSS is used for grouping the CSS declarations which could be reused in the code execution. Mixin in CSS is used by @include along with the Mixin name and a semicolon. For instance:

.row {

    @include grid(true);


  1.       What is Z-index in CSS?

Z-index in CSS is used for positioning elements which is used to specify the stack order of an Html element. The element with a higher z-index value will always be visible in front of the element with a lower z-index.

That was all in terms of CSS Interview Questions. If you want to Learn CSS Online, you can do it through visiting Coding Tag’s online portal.

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Joined: September 10th, 2019
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