Batidora Industrial - Grupo Reimse Mobiliario Para Restaurantes

Posted by zemesangel on November 15th, 2019

Aquí encontrarás el correcto Batidora Industrial para tu cocina a Le ofrecemos el mejor mezclador industrial a la venta con alta calidad pero a un precio razonable.

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Batidora Planetaria MIXB10GA 10 Litros. Solida y Estética Estructura de Hierro Vaciado. Acelere la Producción en su Restaurante, Negocio de Repostería, Panadería y Pastelería. Con Transmisión de 3 Velocidades que le permite Mezclar Fácilmente Ingredientes para Platos Principales, Postres y Panes. El Tazón, Mezclador y Guardia de Seguridad son Fabricados en Acero Inoxidable de Grado Alimenticio Profesional.

  • MIX-B10GA 10 Liter blender
  • Planetary gear transmission.
  • Includes bowl, whisk balloon, mixing paddle and kneading hook.
  • Accessories and bowl are made of stainless steel.
  • Emergency stop button with security lock.
  • Metal guard that protects the user against accidents.
  • Metallic steering wheel allows the bowl to be raised or lowered gradually during the process.
  • Motor protection against voltage variations or over loads.
  • Limit of operation 40 min of work for 20 min of rest.

Planetary mixer MIXB40N 40 Liters. Solid and Aesthetic Structure of Empty Iron. Accelerate Production in your Restaurant, Bakery, Bakery and Pastry Business. With 3-Speed ​​Transmission that allows you to Easily Mix Ingredients for Main Dishes, Desserts and Breads. The Bowl, Mixer and Security Guard are Manufactured in Professional Food Grade Stainless Steel.

MIX-B40N 40 Liter blender

  • Planetary gear transmission.
  • Includes bowl, whisk balloon, mixing paddle and kneading hook.
  • Accessories and bowl are made of stainless steel.
  • Emergency stop button with security lock.
  • Metal guard that protects the user against accidents.
  • Metallic steering wheel allows the bowl to be raised or lowered gradually during the process.
  • Motor protection against voltage variations or over loads.
  • Limit of operation 40 min of work for 20 min of rest.

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Joined: October 15th, 2018
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