Know About 4 Ways To Prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome In Newborns

Posted by vivek choudhary on November 16th, 2019

Fetal alcohol syndrome is identified as a condition borne by a child because of the mother’s exposure to alcohol in the course of her pregnancy. The menace of fetal alcohol syndrome brings about growth problems in and brain damage to the child. Even though the symptoms manifested by fetal alcohol syndrome vary among children, the deformities caused by the condition aren’t reversible.

  • A dietitian in Panchkula says that the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy has to be made strictly forbidden.
  • Assuming that you consume alcohol during your pregnancy, your unborn child becomes predisposed to the risks of developing fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • If you’ve got a suspicion that your child has picked up fetal alcohol syndrome it’s imperative that you talk to a child specialist in Panchkula as early as possible.
  • When the condition is diagnosed early you benefit from preventing your child in catching problems, for example, learning difficulties and behavioral inconsistencies.
  • The severity associated with the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome varies from child to child as a few children are found to experience them to a greater extent than others.
  • The potential warning signs of fetal alcohol syndrome may take in the following:

o   Physical defects

o   Intellectual disabilities

o   Cognitive debilities

o   Functional difficulties while coping with day-to-day life

  • Here are 4 ways that you as an expectant mother should be aware of to safeguard yourself and your developing baby from the harmful effects of fetal alcohol syndrome.


  • Experts are fully cognizant of the fact that fetal alcohol syndrome can be completely prevented if the expecting mother stays away from drinking alcohol for the period of her pregnancy.
  • The 4 guidelines specified below can be made the most out of to avoid fetal alcohol syndrome cropping up in your baby.
  1. Steer clear of drinking alcohol if you’re pregnant
  • In case you haven’t pulled your plugs out in drinking alcohol do it as soon as you’re aware of your pregnancy or you expect that you may get pregnant anytime.
  • An obstetrician from a hospital in Panchkula says that you must know that it’s never too later as far as putting a stop to your alcohol drinking habit is concerned for the duration of your pregnancy.
  • Nevertheless, the faster you stop, the better it would be for your soon-to-be-born baby.
  1. Keep on avoiding any consumption of alcohol all through your pregnancy
  • As a matter of fact, the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome to arise can be fully arrested if the mother desists from drinking in the course of her pregnancy.
  1. Think about abstaining from alcohol consumption throughout your childbearing years
  • Make sure you can do without alcohol especially if you have an active sex life or engage in having unprotected sex regularly.
  • A number of pregnancies are often unplanned.
  • Damage to the just-originated fetus can also happen in the preliminary weeks of your pregnancy.
  1. If you’ve got an alcohol addiction problem, seek help prior to becoming pregnant
  • Look for professional help from a general physician in Panchkulato ascertain the level of your dependence on alcohol and work closely with your doctor in developing a treatment plan.

On the off chance you’re pregnant and unable to give up your drinking preference talk over with your obstetrician, primary care or mental health professional at Paras Bliss, the best hospital in Panchkula. This is because early diagnosis may come to your aid in minimizing the risk of children to contract long-term health issues caused by fetal alcohol syndrome.

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vivek choudhary

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vivek choudhary
Joined: May 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 173

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