APFC Panel Improve Power Factor for the Circuit

Posted by servocare on November 18th, 2019

The Substantial power supply is not only the requirement for an industry or a firm, right? It’s appropriate and successful utilization is also important to consider. Subsequent power issues like power factors often interfere with the absolute current usage. Thanks to technological advancements - APFC Panels are the ideal solutions for the industries to maintain sufficient power factor and enable smoother industrial operations.

Firstly, let’s start with an understanding of the power factor.

Power Factor

It is a ratio of the active power to the apparent power of an electrical system. It is the measure of the effective use of the power supplied by the source. Actually, the apparent power is the total power given to the load. However, a certain amount of power is wasted and not useful for the equipment to work – this is called reactive power. The remaining power which is useful for the load to do work is called real or actual power. So, the power factor tells you the measure of the power that is actually used out of the total power supplied.

Power Factor = Actual Power / Apparent Power where Apparent Power = Actual Power + Reactive Power

Importance of Power Factor Correction

The ideal power the factor is estimated to be 1. If the entire power supplied is fully utilized by the load, then there won’t be any reactive power and the ratio remains 1. 

Often, in industries that use huge electrical equipment, a certain amount of power is wasted by the machines, motors, and other such inductive appliances – so, there will be a lag in the power factor. This may result in excessive power need for the machinery. Thereby, the industries draw huge power and more bills. Also, the government imposes penalties for not maintaining successful power utilization. This will result in financial and operational losses that bring a negative impact on the turnover, brand, and service of companies.

Therefore, it is necessary to correct the power factor for three main reasons.

  • Lowering the utility bills (Reducing billing demands and elimination of power factor penalty)
  • Increasing the capacity of the systems
  • Increasing the voltage levels of the electrical systems and ensuring efficient motors

Now, what controls this power factor? The answer is capacitors.

Capacitor – A Solution for Power Factor Control

The capacitors have the capacity to provide extra current or reactive power to the electrical system. So, there will not be any wastage of energy. Thereby, the extent of the power supplied and utilized will be the same and the power factor will not reduce.

APFC Panels are the control panels having automated systems, capacitor banks, and other characteristic components.  

What are the APFC Panels? What do they do?

Automatic Power Factor Control Panels are the ideal power-based devices that correct the power factor with specialized automation means. As known, capacitors are necessary for power factor correction and the control panels should be designed with the capacitor bank that should be put on and off frequently based on the varying load. It is difficult to operate it manually – so, automatic controllers are included in the control panels to switch on and off the capacitor bank. Moreover, controllers fit with certain microprocessors are used in APFC panels for better and quicker results.  

As the capacitor banks provide reactive inrush current, the transient inrush current should be suppressed and therefore, a series RLC circuit is used in the APFC panels. While switching on or off, it is essential to manage the inrush current. For this, the panels use specialized capacity duty contactors with damping resistors. So, this helps to increase the life of the capacitors and avoid unnecessary damage to them.

Types of APFC Panels

Based on the Low Tension Capacitors and High Tension Capacitors used, the APFC panels are of two types – LT APFC panels and HT APFC panels. Characteristic differences among these two models are evident based on the mode of applications.

Benefits of APFC Panels

Here are the outstanding benefits of APFC panels –

  • Consistent maintenance of power factor even under load fluctuations
  • Best Power factor correction
  • Elimination of power factor penalty
  • Reduction of losses
  • Lower energy consumption
  • Automatic process of the capacitor switch on/off
  • Better user-interface
  • Protection against internal faults
  • Very user-friendly
  • Aesthetically designed systems

Where are APFC Panels used?

Wherever huge machinery and equipment are used, APFC panels can be used to manage the power factor. They are used in –

  • BPO Organizations
  • Cement and Paper Mills
  • Cinema Halls and Multiplexes
  • Commercial Complexes
  • Granite Industries
  • Hotels and Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Manufacturing Companies
  • Residential Applications
  • Rice Mills
  • Shopping Malls

On the basis of the load capacity and the relevant power demand at the application, one can choose the APFC panels with diversified capacities. Among the many famous companies, Servomax Limited is one that offers the best-customized models of APFC panels fulfilling the needs of diversified industries.

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Joined: April 18th, 2019
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