The Value of Print Media in the World

Posted by SPFSingapore on November 18th, 2019

Since the creation of the internet, the way some people think of marketing and the dissemination of information has revolutionized, everything you may need to know is now accessible in seconds by pressing a button. Long gone are the days of countless hours of library work and newspaper reading to find what you're looking for. Because of this, the digital media seems to have become so flexible that the print media is hardly used anymore. But what people don't know is that in so many respects this isn't entirely true.

Nowadays, most people tend to spend on the computer system about fifty to seventy-five percent of their time waking. People listen to music, even read books online, watch movies. I recognize that digital media has its benefits, and no one attempts to discredit it by any means, but the print media seems to have the upper hand in some important ways.

Let's start from the obvious fact that more competition continues to face online advertising. Some websites average about four ads per page view, putting advertisements per page view at a ratio of four to one. Meanwhile, the print advertising ratio is smaller because, for example, a magazine may have thirty advertisements in fifty pages, putting advertisements per view at a ratio of six to one.

In addition, studies have shown that 80% of people tend to skip banner advertisements whenever they come across online. When they see it online, about twenty percent of the population will even click on an advert. Let's take some time to think about this: how many times did you pick up a brochure or browse a magazine while waiting at a store in line? I'm sure you've clicked on an online advertisement a lot more time.

Print publications have a readership that is predictable and loyal. Printed publications, such as magazines and brochures, may remain in circulation for a long time, not to mention the newspapers that advertise placement, especially for those seeking local customers. Print media can make it much easier to reach a particular audience over a long period of time.  Taking myself as an example, most TV shows I watch online don't matter h0w. I still go for a physical copy when it comes to buying. I don't like to take an e-book to school as it was too hard to find the right page on the screen and I just couldn't keep up. Flip through pages is always faster, and I also take note by hand.

The physical interaction with a brand that you can't get online is always something really rewarding. By touching and moving, tactile learners experience the world. Print media can create on and audience a lasting impression that would otherwise be ignored. Not only is the internet a wonderful tool, it has become a necessity for corporations, organisations and enterprises in the advertising world. But let's not forget that print media still has its advantages and should never be rejected as such. For more information please visit

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Joined: March 13th, 2019
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