How to Know If Your Battery Needs Help?

Posted by Kevin Mark on November 19th, 2019

We often choose to sweep the dust under those rugs, while cleaning our rooms. Likewise, by just looking after the external appearance, condition and cleanliness of our vehicles we satisfy ourselves telling that everything is okay. Ignoring the problem doesn’t become the solution to it.

It will in no way negate the existence of the trouble. Therefore, ignoring warnings when the internal mechanism of your vehicle exclaims, ‘Beware! The battery is about to die!’ doesn’t help. Trying to understand the language of your beloved vehicle? Know, when it speaks, what it speaks and how must you react.

When does it speak?

The battery, which is the energy source of your vehicle, starts speaking when it’s about to lose its charge. Though an average age of a battery is four years, you must start listening to it right after the third year. Just to put your foot on a safe pedal, getting general check-ups done of your battery, shouldn’t harm. You don’t have to necessarily wait for things to worsen.

This is the case of natural death. But can it also be a murder?

Take it out for a ride, every now and then! You can potentially murder your vehicle's battery by simply not putting it to use. Parked in that garage for ages, the car will refuse to work that fine day you’re reminded of its existence. Switching off your vehicle’s lights are as important as switching off your living room lights, when not in use. That extreme hot and cold weather can also contribute to this conspiracy, really.

What does it speak?

Now it becomes important to read the language of your vehicle’s battery. It’s not a talking human after all. You can’t expect it to straight away yell for help. This is when you need to start reading into those warning signs it’ll transmit in the undertones of your vehicle’s performance.

The signs can be as apparent as a slow starting engine or as ignorant as a reduction in the glare of those lights.

You might as well receive an alert, just keep a check on that Check Engine Light.

fishy smell, also calls for caution.

Look out for corrosion on the metallic part of the engine.

Keep a track of the battery’s age.

How do you react?

You may try getting it fixed or simply replace it! Depending on your vehicle, the battery will have its price. To get the total costing you must also list in the installation or mechanical labour charges. You must think it to be a daunting task, to remain conscious about the ‘healthy’ working of your car. But in reality, all it takes is a little awareness and knowledge to ensure that smooth functioning.

Want to save a little effort?

Do an informed purchase of the battery, making sure it’s fully sealed, for starters. Know that it must be a 14-volt battery and most importantly you must trust the manufacturer. Don’t forget to do your research well before going out to get that battery replaced.

If you have any queries or need any assistance with some battery issue, visit us at SP Tyres. Our proficient professionals are experts at Battery Repair Shrewsbury services and can bring your car back to its original glory. Ensure top-notch condition of your vehicle’s parts to avoid being stuck in the middle of nowhere on a random day.

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Kevin Mark

About the Author

Kevin Mark
Joined: November 19th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1