Tips for parents against bullying or school harassment

Posted by John Smith on November 22nd, 2019

Bullying and cyberbullying are forms of peer violence that occur both in school and on the Internet. It is based on the relationships they develop in school life. Both forms have a negative impact on their well-being, their development and the exercise of their rights for many children.

Violence against children is defined as the action or omission that causes harm and that occurs in a situation of helplessness or power imbalance.

Many times, fathers and mothers do not know how to prevent, how to detect and how to deal with cases of bullying and cyberbullying. That is why in Save the Children we have created this course on harassment and cyberbullying. Get in touch with the best bullying speaker to know about further actions.

We also share some of the best prevention tips:

- Look at the boy or the girl. Try to be in the mood and behavior changes, motivation to study, frequent mild illnesses such as stomachaches or headaches.
- Listen and dialogue with them. Boys and girls almost never lie on these issues. It is important to hear what he has lived and how he feels, without judging him.
- Keep calm. It is important to be calm and adopt an attitude of understanding and attention, transmitting security and tranquility.
- Tell him he is not guilty of anything. We all have the right to be protected against any form of violence and to be treated with respect.
- Strengthen your self-esteem. Help them recognize their abilities, skills and the great effort they have made in asking for help.
- Communicate the situation to the school. It is important that the school knows the situation and maintains continuous and collaborative communication with them.
- Give him the opportunity to expand his group of friends. Activities outside the school give you the opportunity to interact with other boys and girls your age.
- Maintain good communication based on trust. This will make it easier for me to come to you if you receive any content or invitation that causes you discomfort or discomfort.
- Recommend to your son or daughter not to respond to the aggressions and if you suspect a cyberbullying situation, try to keep the messages as evidence, block the sender or report the case.
- When situations of bullying or cyberbullying become serious, you can notify the case by going to cyberbullying speaker.

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John Smith

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John Smith
Joined: June 21st, 2014
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