Hire the Right Candidate with Personality Test for Jobs

Posted by HRM Resolutions on November 25th, 2019

Most employers implement a variety of screening measures for candidates before making a hiring decision. Screening for things such as a drug use, criminal background, employment history and educational background is routine, and for good reason. The expenses of a bad hire can be huge, and effective screening measures can significantly reduce the risk of this happening.

In the present competitive marketplace, where large number of qualified candidates might be competing for the same position, personality testing can be highly beneficial to a human resources department conducting a new employee search process. Here are the reasons to include personality test into your selection process:

Limits the candidate pool

It tends to hard to pick the right candidates for an interview, particularly if many present with similar experiences and educational backgrounds. A conspicuous advantage of introducing a personality test, then, is that can narrowdown a candidate pool. Have candidates complete the test online, after a phone interview but prior to an in-person interview, and then review the results. If the candidate in question presents with a personality that you do not think would be a good fit, then count them out of the running.

Assists with the interview stage

Human resources managers can use the results of personality tests to more effectively question candidates during the interview stage. The tests can steer the direction of an interview in a positive way, by enabling employers to ask the candidate about the strengths and weaknesses they demonstrated in terms of soft skills and social behavior.

Promotes a deeper understanding of candidates

Perhaps the biggest perk of pre-employment personality testing is that it empowers recruiters to gauge a deeper understanding of the candidate in question. And with a more comprehensive understanding comes noteworthy foresight as to whether the individual would be an appropriate fit for the team.

Eliminates bias

A candidate can establish an incredible impression in a job interview, but that doesn’t really make them the right person for the job. Personality tests for jobs can give a more accurate indication of that individual’s personality and working style, removing any biases that first impressions may develop.

Strengthens teams

Utilizing a personality test to find candidates that will fit your office culture is a really effective way to consolidate the strength of your team. After all, employees that work well together will obviously be more productive and successful at meeting goals.

Selecting a candidate that checks off the boxes for skill sets, as well as being a cultural fit can be a hard task. Especially when considering the high expense of hiring the wrong candidate, it is important to be secure in your hiring decisions. Using Personality Test for Jobs as a tool in the hiring process can ease worries and allow you to feel confident that candidates will succeed in your workplace.

So, ensure your new hire is the right hire with Personality Test for Jobs.

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HRM Resolutions

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HRM Resolutions
Joined: March 19th, 2019
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