The Leading Pest Control Solution in the Philippines

Posted by Kyra Rodriguez on November 28th, 2019

Pests are some of the many threats our homes face today. We never know where they may be lurking, what they may be doing or even the significance of the damage they’ve done.

Termite Prevention and Control

If there’s one pest that’s difficult to detect and deal with, it would be none other than termites. Being able to thrive under any wooden surface (and being able to feed on them as well), termites can be a handful. You need to have a good eye on spotting signs that they are already in your home.


As discussed in the previous item, termites can be a handful to deal with. However, we have a number of ways in dealing with them—one of which is the method known as Sentricon.

The Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System was manufactured by Dow AgroSciences. It is an underground trap that will bait and draw termites to feed on them. This pest control method is very effective as it does not only get rid of some of the termites in your home, but the entire colony residing in your place.

Cockroach Prevention and Control

Unfortunately, cockroaches are quite common in most Filipino households. This means that almost all of them know exactly how to experience the pain of dealing with this particular critter. Not only are they able to spread diseases in and around your homes, but they are also very difficult to deal with (considering they could live quite a long life even without food and water).

Mosquito Prevention and Control

Mosquitos are another example of pests that can really irritate a number of people, especially in swarms. In any case, this type of service provided by Topbest is a great way to handle this problem as not only will you be able to prevent any mosquitos from invading or infesting your home, you’ll also be able to protect yourself from the effects of mosquito infestation in general.

Pest Control in the Philippines

As you know now, people deal with various kinds of pests in the Philippines; and as one of the top pest control services in the country, it is our job to be aware of all the pests that we will be dealing with. By being so, our clients will have peace of mind, knowing that we know what the issue is and how to properly manage it.


Ants can come in two multiple types, or better yet two colors: black or red. Black ants are the most common ‘household’ types and they can usually be found through tiny cracks and holes in your home, especially if your doors or windows are left open. For red ants, however, these are the ones that can actually leave an itching sting on you when threatened and can usually be found outdoors, whether it be in your garden or backyard.


As previously mentioned, termites can be a bit difficult to detect. For those of you that don’t know, these pests are tiny ant-like insects that feast on wood and other materials, though their almost-translucent appearance makes it hard to detect with the naked eye. Another thing that makes termites significant is that the damage they can inflict can be massive in proportion, yet subtle in appearance—making it an arduous task to deal with.


These are pests, as mentioned before, of massive size. They can come and cause just as much havoc in your homes. Rodents can usually be in the form of rats or mice, both of which can be a nuisance to encounter, and particularly difficult to deal with.


Cockroaches are six-legged insects that can cause so much fear and annoyance. Whether they fly or not, feeling those six legs walk across your skin can be one of the most cringeworthy sensations to ever be felt.


Mosquitoes are flying insects that suck on your blood every chance they get, especially at night or when you are outdoors. Not only do they leave an itching sensation on your skin when you are stung by them, but they also have the potential to carry diseases with them, such as dengue and malaria—both of which could be fatal.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs in the Philippines are kind of a rare sight as there have only been several cases of bed bugs infesting households. Well, either way, getting rid of them is still a definite priority.


Lastly, lice are another example of bloodsucking pests that can pervade the place no other pest would: our own body. Lice can be found on the top of our heads, attracted by any trace of dirt. In fact, both humans and animals are at risk of lice, as the amount of time we spend outdoors is indicator enough of why they exist.

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Kyra Rodriguez

About the Author

Kyra Rodriguez
Joined: September 23rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 12

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