Tips To Make Your Deer Hunting Experience Better

Posted by Peter Douglas on November 28th, 2019

Hunters have their techniques to catch a deer. Some may be more effective than others, depending on the skills they have. However, if you’re a veteran buck hunter or not, the tips mentioned below can help you see more success this season. You can also buy healthy deer bait to attract them.


Tip 1

Deer can always identify human odor. Make sure you shower with a scent-free soap before every hunting trip and try not to contaminate your clothes on the way to the hunting field. Keep the clothes in sealed in a plastic container or bag with leaves, dirt and other ground debris from around your stand until you arrive at your hunting location. This way, your hunting clothing will take on the naturally occurring scents that permeate your hunting location.


Tip 2

Some hunters think that doe estrous is the be-all and end-all of big buck attraction. Though this is a wonderful tool, it’s simply that. Smart hunters know that during the early-season, it is important to take advantage of a buck’s territorial instincts. The scent of an estrous doe during early October won’t make sense to a buck, yet buck scent is always worth checking out.


Tip 3

Some hunters like to spray down with odor eliminator just after suiting up, and before the trek into the stand; however, experienced hunters will bring an odor eliminator with them to the tree stand. After the walk to the stand, you can apply an odor eliminator to your body, and pay special attention to your hat and hair.


Tip 4

Another way to attract deer is the use of deer baits. You can put deer minerals on the grass right after summer or a few days before the hunt. These baits will attract more deer to the location, considering that deer are sensitive to smell.


Tip 5

The deadliest scent set-up can defy the accepted rule of playing the wind. You can locate a long strip of timber or cover with the wind blowing along the length of it. At the windy end, be sure to pour some deer scent at several areas, then set up high in a tree stand just on the edge of the timber. And just also keep in mind your human odor should flow above the deer.

Hunting is exciting, but only if you’re able to catch and kill some animals. Buy healthy deer bait and consider these few deer hunting tips mentioned in this guide.


Author: The author is a blogger and the article talks about Tips To Make Your Deer Hunting Experience Better.

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Peter Douglas

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Peter Douglas
Joined: March 28th, 2018
Articles Posted: 24

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