New Bounty Hunter Rewards OSRS for you with Up to 60% off cheap rs 3 gold Dec.9Posted by Maggie on December 2nd, 2019 The Slayer Helmet is a piece of headgear in Old School Runescape that is made from other pieces of slayer gear. The helm adds rs 3 gold a melee boost while the player is on Slayer assignments. The helmet also adds to the players other Slayer gear that they have equipped. The helmet requires a level 10 Defense skill to equip. Making the Slayer Helmet in OSRS OSRS Slayer HelmetThe first step in creating the Slayer Helmet is to get the malevolent masquerade ability from a Slayer master. This step will cost the player 400 Slayer points. The player must have a 55 Crafting in order to create the helmet. The player needs a black mask, which provides a s16.67% melee boost. The black mask is a random item drop from cave horrors. If the player has 1,250,000 Nightmare Zone points, they can upgrade the black mask to a black mask (i); this upgrade gains the player a 15% bonus in Ranged and Magic. The black mask (i) will also lose charges as it is used. Earmuffs are used to deafen the banshee’s screams. These items can be purchased from a Slayer master.A face mask is used to help the player breath during the Smoke Dungeon and Smoke Devil Dungeon. This can also be purchased from a Slayer master. A facemask can also be found in Great Kourend in a cage in the uppermost level of Castle Kourend. A nose peg blocks the stench of aberrant specters. This is very useful when fighting the powerful aberrant specters. Nose pegs may be bought from a Slayer master.A spiny helmet is useful when in the Lumbridge Swamp Cave and will add protection against wall beasts. This item is found with any Slayer master. Finally an enchanted gem allows for players to check in with their Slayer master. They can check for updates, tips, and track their progress on assignments. Slayer masters have these items for sale.Once the player has the required items, they can assemble the Slayer Helmet. This item is extremely useful during all slayer missions. Disassembling the Helmet Is a player wishes to dissemble the Slayer helmet, right clicking on the item will break it down to its component parts. The player can also reassemble it. Christmas is approaching closer. To celebrate this occasion, RS3gold plans to provide 2500M RS3 gold and 500M OSRS gold with 60% off at 3:00 a.m. GMT on Dec.9. More Details on https://www.rs3gold.comLong-Term-Code:RSGACC for you to buy Up to 10% off RS 2007 Account Anytime!Like it? Share it!More by this author |