As a US citizen, if you have unpaid taxes for the previous financial years then it can affect your credit rating and financial well-being. Refusing to pay the tax amount will grow to an increased amount that you may find difficult to pay in once so it is good to avoid refusing to acknowledge the tax amount. However, in the case of non-payment, you will be imposed with tax penalties, late charges, and interest which can increase your mental stress but if you really want to pay the tax liability then you can consider IRS tax debt help to clear your record.
As a tax defaulter, you have good news that the IRS has opened a gateway to pay the tax liability through a simple and convenient installment payment plan. You can now pay the unpaid taxes through this plan and can get clearance from the federal department of treasury. In order to apply for the plan you need to fill an installment payment form that you can download from the website that is authorized by the IRS. You can make a self-assessment for the monthly payments by simply entering the tax amount that you owe and the total amount of penalties and interest charges.
With the use of a self-help website, you can attain all the information that you need to apply online for the installment payment agreement to the internal revenue service. By filling the form 9465 you can automatically send your application request to the IRS for settling the debt. Using the online IRS tax debt help will enable you to save the money from paying fees to the tax specialists or advisors as with simple steps and instructions you can fill the application form and can evaluate the amount to pay in installments for clearing the tax liability.
Settling the tax debt has become a lot easier than you think with the help of IRS installment payment plan. You can get the time of 36 to 72 months to pay the previous tax amount in easy monthly installments. You can calculate the amount of monthly payout by adding penalties and interest through the self-help website without entering any personal information regarding your name, address, social security number, and job profile, etc. You have to merely divide the tax debt amount with the number of months that you want to choose for the payments. For example, if you have a debt of 15000 dollars then you can divide the amount with 36 or 72 to calculate the monthly installments.
Installment agreement program is an effective and state-of-the-art plan to clear the unpaid tax amount however it is subject to the penalties and interest for the tax debt. You can use this program to get significant tax relief as it can lessen the tax burden. With small monthly installments, you can become a responsive taxpayer in the USA and can avoid any legal harassment by the federal tax department and can get peace of mind.