Education in China - how demand and supply is changing

Posted by freemexy on December 6th, 2019

Education in China - how demand and supply is changing

372,000 children in China are now enrolled in an international style of education and 66% of these children are Chinese nationals attending international Chinese-owned private schools in the country.Educational Leadership training china

Latest market trends from ISC Research on international education in China include data from this school year (2018-2019). They show that the international private schools market in China has grown substantially due to an increasing demand from Chinese parents for an international, bilingual approach to learning for their children.

Five years ago, there were 629 international schools in China, many of which were schools for the children of foreign nationals that had very limited access to Chinese children. Today, there are 857 international schools in China and 563 of them are international Chinese-owned private schools. Over that same period, there has been a 63.6% increase in student enrolment, with 245,500 students now enrolled in the international Chinese private schools.

These schools are particularly successful because, during the compulsory years of education, the Chinese curriculum can be integrated with elements of international teaching and learning, including some learning in the language of English. Such a bicultural educational approach is what a growing number of Chinese families want; one that retains local culture and history, while introducing international elements that provide the skills necessary to prepare children for global higher education and careers.

There are several factors that have prompted this market change including an increase in education expenditure by more families as a result of a growth in prosperity in the country; the impact of China's two-child policy which is now seeing an effect within Early Years education; amendments that have been made to education regulations in recent years which now provide clearer guidelines and more opportunities for foreign schools to engage with the private education sector; and an increasing awareness by Chinese parents of locally accessible private international education opportunities.

Foreign education brands are driving the success of many of the international Chinese private schools. During the past five years, 31 independent school brands, mostly from the UK, but also from the US, have established agreements with Chinese schools and investors in order to deliver teaching expertise and an international style of education. Such partnerships are appealing to wealthier Chinese families who value the educational heritage, reputation, brand prestige, and opportunities that the UK and US schools are bringing to China.

International schooling options accessible to local families are available in many of China's Tier 1 cities. Although Shanghai and Beijing dominate, there are now 55 international schools in Shenzhen, 47 in Guangzhou, 25 in Chengdu, and several in a growing number of cities throughout China.

ISC Research is aware of at least 48 new international schools due to open in China in the next few years, many of which will be the international Chinese private schools partnering with foreign independent school brands.

ISC Research supplies primary-source intelligence and data - much of it collected by its own field-based researchers - on the English-medium K-12 international schools market in key countries most appropriate for international school development, including China. The ISC China Market Intelligence Report supports schools, investors and developers with detailed data and market intelligence to support due diligence and strategic planning for new school developments and agreements. The data and intelligence in this report is gathered directly from schools, government bodies and reputable associations in China to produce detailed demand analysis of this developing market.

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