4 Ways to Make Learning Spanish Fun and Easy For Kids
Posted by Martin Gray on December 11th, 2019
Deciding to teach your child Spanish as his or her second language is a great idea. While some may debate about the benefits of teaching children multiple languages, research has shown that exposure to languages beyond their mother tongue helps them not just socially and academically but in the long run, economically as well. Now, teaching Spanish is easy if you are fluent in it, but what do you do if you are not? The key is to find the right resources, such as children’s books in Spanish. Many such resources make learning fun and easy. Let us look at some of them:
1. Books
Books are one of the most effective tools when it comes to learning a language. Learning Spanish by reading books is much easier than learning English through the same process. This is because unlike English, each letter in the Spanish alphabet has only one sound, eliminating confusion. You can get bilingual books that will make the process much simpler.
2. Games
All children love games and we bet your little one is no different. So if you turn learning Spanish into a game, they are more likely to respond in a much more enthusiastic and positive manner. You can pick from an assortment of such games, which range from physical to digital. You can also use them as a means to reinforce classroom teaching.
3. Songs
Songs work great for memorization. And it is quite easy to turn your child’s Spanish lessons into songs. You can ask them to sing you the alphabet or the names of the months or the colors. This will also allow them to put their creativity to work. Similarly, you can also expose them to the wonderful world of Spanish and Latin music. You can ask them to listen to the Spanish versions of their favorite Disney songs.
4. Movies
Another fun to trick your child into learning Spanish is with movies. They will definitely enjoy watching movies, especially if they are familiar with the characters or subjects. Along with original Spanish children’s movies, you can also get them to watch English movies that are dubbed into Spanish. There are also special movies that are created as tools to teach children Spanish words and phrases.
These learning tools can be applied to teaching other languages as well. Only with some consistency and regularity in your little one’s learning process, mastering any language will instantly become more easy and quick.