World of Warcraft Virtual Race-Undead 2
Posted by Ambroise Pierre on December 12th, 2019
World of Warcraft Virtual Race-Undead 2
Undead City
Undercity is one of the eight main cities of World of Warcraft (two new main cities have been added to TBC, now they are: Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder Ya, Silvermoon City), is the birthplace and place of residence of the Alliance. It is one of the 8 main cities of World of Warcraft (two new main cities have been added to TBC, now they are: Stormwind City, Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon City is the birthplace and place of residence of the Alliance / Tribe. At the same time, Classic WOW Gold will accompany each player to help them grow, upgrade and become more powerful.
Name: Undercity
Boss: Sylvanas Windrunner
Dread Lord Varimathras hanged by the Horde and Alliance after betraying the Horde and Sylvanas in Wrath of the Lich King
Faction: Forsaken
In addition to small towns, fortresses and remote villages scattered throughout the world, there are eight main cities in World of Warcraft, each of which is the capital and center of a certain race, and their architectural styles are very different from each other. The main city is not just a collection of buildings and NPCs, they are also places for players to adventure, shop, train, socialize, and perform various activities.
Deep down into the ruins of the capital of Lordaeron, the royal tombs have been transformed into bases for the undead. It should have been a country ruled by Prince Arthas, but after Arthas was recalled to the distant Northrend continent by the Lich King, the Undercity was owned by Lady Darkvanas and her forgotten Have. To make this place more habitable, the Forsaken opened up the tortuous catacomb labyrinth and completed the dungeon that Alsace failed to complete. Buying Buy WOW Classic Gold at MMOWTS.COM is now available for 8% off for a limited time. More and cheapest equipment and gold are waiting for you to discover, fast delivery and secure transactions!
As the vanguard of the Burning Corps, Undead, composed of numerous walking dead, ghosts, cursed life and monsters, began to pollute every inch of Azeroth's land under the control of the Lich King Ner'zhul. Undead appears frequently in fantasy worlds, and they are usually defined as having a soul but no life. Many players like to use Lich in War3. In addition to his own strength, it seems to have the influence of dragons and dungeons.