Four Types Of Gluten-Free Italian Dishes That You Should Eat at A Restaurant

Posted by Oliver Williams on December 18th, 2019

All of us like to eat food which is both healthy and delicious. When you visit a restaurant, you often find it difficult to find a dish that gives you the best of both worlds. Well, to go easy with your taste buds, you can go to a restaurant which offers you gluten-free Italian food. When you get to feast on your favorite Italian cuisine without compromising on your health, you should make the most out of it. Your dining experience would be more enjoyable when you keep a few options ready. If you are looking for a Golf Club Food Supplier in Melbourne, you need to know about these dishes.

Here are a few Italian cuisine options which you should consume-

1. Chickpea Pasta

‘Pasta’ is a famous Italian dish which most people love. As a new addition for the health-conscious consumers, ‘Chickpea Pasta’ has gained popularity. Due to the fact that it is gluten-free, it has a different taste as compared to the regular pasta. It comes in the chickpea flavor and has a chewy texture. Some of its nutrients make it a high- fiber and high- protein alternative to regular food. Taste a new and healthy dish the next time you go to a restaurant.

2. Quinoa Pasta

For those of you who love pasta, the Quinoa pasta is another dish that you can try. As the name suggests, this type of pasta is made from grains like corn and rice. If you ask someone who has tasted a Quinoa pasta, they will tell you that it has a ‘nutty’ flavor. Due to the ingredients which are used in making the Quinoa Pasta, it has a slightly grainy texture. One fact which sets this type of pasta apart is due to its fiber content. It is a good alternative to your regular dishes.

3. Soba Noodles

Contrary to popular belief, noodles can be healthy. Soba noodles are a good example of this. This pasta is made from buckwheat flour, which has a grainy texture. When you have the Soba Noodles, you are likely to have a crunchy and nutty taste. As compared to the other varieties of pasta, this has a lesser number of calories but has a higher quantity of fiber and protein content. Depending on the quantity of the food that you order, the amount of fiber and protein can vary.

4. Shirataki Noodles

One of the gluten-free noodles which are popular these days is the Shirataki Noodles. They are made from a material called glucomannan. Due to the fiber content they have, they provide no calories or carbs. The material in itself does not have any taste, but when it is cooked with other ingredients, it takes their taste. Also, due to the fact that it does not have any carbs, heavy toppings and ingredients should be used to bring that balance in the dish.

All these cousins are very popular and demanding in this region, and it is easy to get these via catering food supplies in Melbourne.

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Oliver Williams

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Oliver Williams
Joined: January 23rd, 2017
Articles Posted: 40

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