How Do You Recover From an FUE Hair Transplant?

Posted by Rohan Kumar on December 18th, 2019

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the hair transplant approach that has gained more preference owing to the lesser risk that it's with scar formation. It doesn't need incisions compared to the normal follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), also referred to as the strip method. But despite the techniques that build it less invasive and relatively safer, you still got to take certain precautions to make sure that you find yourself with successful results.

With FUE, the follicular units (naturally occurring hair groups in twos or threes) are removed using a metal instrument with sharp edges that contain a hollow middle. Unlike Follicular Unit Transplantation, where a strip of scalp is removed before every hair graft is extracted through a high-powered microscope, Follicular Unit Extraction contains a more conservative approach resulting in less healing and quicker recovery time.

Another issue that makes FUE popular is that it also provides a more natural-looking result.

After the transplant, one of the most vital things that you should remember is to avoid washing your hair for the first 24-48 hours. It’s at this time that the implants are still at the most vulnerable to damage and might be easily dislodged.

When recovering from FUE you still got to ensure that you keep the wounds, no matter how tiny there, constantly cleansed. The donor site, as well as the recipient area, ought to be gently washed using a wet cotton ball. Don’t use a wiping motion, but dab the wet cotton ball instead. This may remove the crusts without dislodging the hair implants.

For the next two weeks after your surgery, you must avoid direct contact from the sun and protect your scalp with sunscreen or a hat. You should also sleep with your head elevated by propping some pillows to stop swelling. By doing so, you also hasten the healing time.

Strenuous exercises or contact sports should also be avoided for at least six months. Avoid bending over or lifting heavy objects because this could stress out your scalp that could lead to bleeding.

A few days when the hair transplant surgery you will notice scabs forming both from the donor and recipient sites. Yes, this is a sign which suggests that these areas are healing. But it doesn't mean that you will just pick or scratch them. You must just wait till they fall off themselves, to make sure that the area is cured. If you scratch them, you'd just be introducing infection and will damage the hair grafts.

When we talk about the recovery time for this hair transplant technique, it's significantly lesser compared to FUT for the reason that it doesn't have a long linear wound. This is one of the most important reasons why FUT would take a while to heal and has more risks for complications like bleeding or infections.

If you would like to assure that you heal in time, you need to prepare your body to be healthy enough to let the hair grafts thrive. It should even be that you choose a good doctor who will perform this delicate job with careful precision. With that, you can ensure yourself to have a faster and uncomplicated recovery period.

Pioneer Hair Transplant Center provides the Best Hair Transplant Bangalore. Here you will get advanced hair treatment and get the top hair transplant surgeon for Hair Loss Treatment Bangalore and consultation for hair growth treatment.

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Rohan Kumar

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Rohan Kumar
Joined: June 21st, 2019
Articles Posted: 74

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