What Should You Expect from a Babysitter?

Posted by ochomefamily on December 21st, 2019

You've likely seen this stereotype in TV shows and movies: The lazy teen babysitter who sits on her phone while the kids run amok in your home. But the truth is, you should be able to expect more from your babysitter in Orange County, CA, than simply keeping your kids alive. Here's what you should expect from a trustworthy babysitter, and if the person you've hired falls short, it may be time for a new one.

Consistency with Rules

The number-one thing you should expect from a babysitter is that they consistently enforce the same rules that you do. While this may be difficult at first, as a brand-new sitter will need time to learn all the rules of the household, they should at least uphold the ones that you outline for them when they arrive at your home. So, if you've told the sitter the kids get new TV until after dinner, and you find that they've allowed your kids to watch TV the entire time, then they're not performing their primary duty as your sitter.

Keeping the Home Neat

You should not expect a sitter to clean up your home while you're gone. However, they also shouldn't allow chaos to run rampant while they're in charge. A sitter should be able to maintain at least some semblance of order, even as the kids play. While it's fine for the house to be a bit messier when you get home than when you left, it shouldn't look like a tornado tore through your living room.

Respecting Your Home

Above all, your babysitter should demonstrate respect towards both you and your home. This means not abusing your furniture or other possessions, not inviting over guests without approval, and speaking to you professionally and respectfully. Even if they only occasionally watch your kids, when they're in your home, they are not only your guest, but your employee. They should act with the level of respect expected from such a position.

While what you expect from your babysitter in Orange County, CA, may be different from what your neighbor expects of theirs, the most important thing is to clearly outline your expectations from the very beginning. If you do this, they should be expected to uphold those standards. 

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