Be Informed Of 2 Ways To Diagnose Fetal Macrosomia
Posted by vivek choudhary on December 21st, 2019
The term "fetal macrosomia" is used to refer to newborns that are markedly larger in size than the average, normal babies. Because of fetal macrosomia, the average birth weight of a baby is 4000 grams or more irrespective of the baby’s gestational age.
- As per the best gynecologist in Gurgaon it’s somewhat difficult to estimate or predicts a baby’s birth weight.
- It’s unfeasible to carry out a definitive diagnosis of the condition of fetal macrosomia.
- Diagnosis can be made once the baby’s born and its weight is measured.
- Bear in mind the fact that any evaluation of the size of the baby for the duration of pregnancy is conditional on obtaining an accurate knowledge of the baby’s gestation.
- When the baby is excessively large with respect to its gestational age it’s crucial to ratify whether your estimated delivery date is correct.
- If as a mother you’re subject to risks associated with fetal macrosomia your healthcare provider will most possibly carry out tests to keep an eye on your baby’s growth and health.
- Here we talk about two diagnostic tests employed to confirm fetal macrosomia.
- Ultrasound
- Your gynecologist doctor in Gurgaon might do an ultrasound as your third trimester draws to a close.
- The ultrasound helps gain an understanding of the baby’s body and its several parts such as the head, abdomen, and femur.
- These measurements are then inputted into a formula to determine the baby’s weight.
- However, pieces of research suggest that the level of accuracy of ultrasound to predict fetal macrosomia often leads to unreliable outcomes.
- Antenatal testing
- If your healthcare provider has a suspicion of fetal macrosomia, an antenatal testing may be done to keep track of your baby’s well-being.
- This testing according to the best neonatologist in Gurgaonincludes:
o A non-stress test – It measures the baby’s heartbeat rate in response to its own movements.
o A fetal biophysical profile – It’s a combination of non-stress testing and ultrasound to keep a watch on your baby’s breathing pattern, movement, tone, and the volume of amniotic fluid it floats on.
- On the off chance, if the excess weight of your baby is believed to be the upshot of an underlying maternal condition, your neonatologist in Gurgaon might recommend antenatal testing beginning from the 32nd week of your pregnancy.
- It may be noted that fetal macrosomia isn’t solely the reason to carry out antenatal testing and monitor your baby’s overall well-being.
- You may also contemplate setting up a consultation with a pediatrician prior to the birth of your baby as the doctor is supposed to have the expertise to treat babies diagnosed with fetal macrosomia.
In this way, your healthcare provider at Paras Bliss, the best hospital for pregnancy in Gurgaon might come up with a recommendation for prenatal diagnostic tests and possibly a visit to a genetic counselor conditional on the test results.