Boost your brain functioning with the right spice

Posted by parker jennifer on December 24th, 2019

The brain of the person is a very important for a person to work and function well. It is the brain of the person that is responsible for maintaining the body functioning in the person. The world around is very competitive. To able to make a place for ourselves it is very important to work hard. Not everyone has the same brain functioning. There are many people who learn this faster than other people. This is because they have a better brain functioning. There was a time when it was thought that it I not possible to improve the brain functioning. But today things have changed. Science and technology have made it possible for a person to able to enhance the functioning of the brain. One of the most effective ways to do is by taking smart drug. Taking Artvigil dosage is very effective and helpful in enhancing the brain functioning of the person. Also, we all love to eat. But what if I tell you that the spices that add taste and flavor to the food can also add stimulation to the brain? Thus, taking such spices in a regular basis is very effective to improve and enhance the functioning of the brain. So, let us have a look at all the spices that you can choose from and how the intake of the right Artvigil dosage helps you with getting a better brain functioning.

Spices for better brain functioning

There are many spices that are available in the market today. Each spice has a different origin with different taste and health benefits. The use of spice and herbs for medicinal purpose is very common. People for many years have been using different spices and herbs for getting different health benefits. So, here are a few herbs and spices that can help you with getting better brain functioning-

Turmeric- This is a very popular spice in the Asian countries. It is mainly popular for its anti-inflammatory effects. Turmeric contains antioxidant known as curcumin that is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of the spice. There are many researches that show that the use of Turmeric is very effective in fighting with Alzheimer’s disease. It helps by clearing the beta-amyloid that is present in the brain of the person. This beta-amyloid is responsible for causing plaques in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. The use of turmeric also prevents the breakdown of the nerve cell within the brain.

Lemon balm- there is a number of studies that shows that the use of lemon balm helps in relieving stress and anxiety in a person. It also has shown many evidences in improving the functioning of the brain. Lemon balm contains rosmarinic acid that is very effective in improving the sleep quality in people with insomnia. And we all know the importance of a good sleep in maintaining the healthy functioning of the brain. According to a study that was published by the Journal of Neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry, it is seen that a four month treatment program using lemon balm helps in improving the brain health in people suffering from mild and moderate Alzheimer’s disease. You can have lemon balm in teas or even buy it as supplements. It is also very helpful in treating cold, gastrointestinal issue, indigestion and cholesterol issue.

Sage- The effect of sage in helping people with Alzheimer is still under process. One of the main symptoms that are seen in people with Alzheimer’s has dropping levels of acetylcholine. This is a chemical messenger in the brain. However, sage prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine that prevents the occurrence of Alzheimer in a person.    

Cinnamon- This spice is widely used with coffee and desserts. It helps to boast powerful antioxidants that help a person with fighting off bacteria increase the alertness and also reduces the inflammation in the person. According to a study done on lab animals, it was seen that an extract made from cinnamon helps to prevent cognitive impairment and damage in the brain that is associated with oxidative stress in lab rats.

Ginger- This spice is mainly known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also very popular for treating nausea as well as acts a very effective pain reliever. There are a number of studies that shows that ginger helps to counter the activity of free radicals and protect brain cells from deteriorating. According to a study done in the year 2012 on healthy middle aged female’s, shows that a daily dose of 800mg of ginger extract helps with improving the working memory of the person.  

Black pepper- this is seen to be one of the most commonly used and purchased spice in the world. It helps to increase to increase the absorption of compounds such as turmeric and has a positive effect in the brain of the person. The main compound that is present in alkaloid piperine helps to improve the cognitive function of the person. It also helps to decrease the sign and symptoms of depression in the person.

The use of Artvigil dosage for better cognitive ability

The use of smart drug is very effective in helping and treating the brain functioning of the person. The section of the brain that is mainly being worked up by the intake of Artvigil dosage is the hypothalamus region. This on taking helps in releasing certain hormones that stimulates the brain of the person. The hormone that is seen to be released is dopamine and histamine. These hormones alter the neurotransmission that moves from the brain to the central nervous system. This thus helps with stimulating the brain to work and function well. The Artvigil dosage that is recommended to all people is taking Artvigil 150mg.

The intake of Artvigil dosage helps to get the following benefits-

  • better memory
  • enhanced concentration
  • improved IQ
  • boosted energy level
  • better creativity
  • enhanced productivity

So, along with taking the spices mentioned above, taking Artvigil dosage is recommended to all people for getting better cognition.

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parker jennifer

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parker jennifer
Joined: September 3rd, 2019
Articles Posted: 48

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