Depression and other kinds of mental disorders

Posted by AngeloEverton on February 23rd, 2012

A mental disorder of any kind can be defined as a patterned behavior which can be associated with subjective disability or distress. These disorders occur in an individual and cannot be treated as normal or naturally occurring. Depression is a commonly prevalent mental disorder. A person is said to be depressed when he or she is averse to any kind of activity and is in a low mood. As a result the thoughts, feelings and behavior of this person are affected. Anxiety is an ‘illness’ which sets in to create a feeling of dread, worry, fear or uneasiness. Schizophrenia, phobias, panic attacks, and personality disorders are a few kinds of disorders.

Mental illness can be caused due to a number of reasons. Children undergoing physical, sexual and emotional abuse can fall prey to depression. The patient may remain inactive for a period of few weeks and in these weeks all interest for leading a normal life is lost. The patient may fall prey to severe depression and in many cases this has led to suicide. Mental illness is often related to physical heath. Remaining depressed may result in viral infections. Depression requires medical help at extreme levels and this may incorporate certain medical tests like brain mapping and blood tests.

Anxiety is considered as a natural reaction to stress. However, when it crosses all limits and the intensity increases, it becomes a disorder which needs treatment. In such cases, the patient is prone to react abnormally to very small stimuli. It becomes almost a necessity to react vehemently. At this point medical help is needed to control anxiety. Counseling sessions may be conducted by psychiatrists and medication may be provided.

Whereas anxiety and depression are milder forms of mental illness, they can be cured with little effort. Various personality disorders exist, which may not be easily curable and sometimes even turn fatal. Kleptomania, or the urge to steal items of negligible value, has been considered as a mental disorder. In kleptomaniacs there is a compulsion to steal without motives. A schizophrenic patient has undergone disintegration in his or her thought process and is emotionally unresponsive. Psychosis involves a lack of touch with reality and the patient in question may be subject to delusions and hallucinations.

The causes of mental disorders are many. Exposure to trauma and abuse can be attributed to some kinds of mental disorders as these traumatic experiences involve sudden shock. Certain drugs also induce mental illness. A stressful life often leads to mental illness. Being bullied, socio economic instability, lack of optimum homely conditions may also lead to a breakdown at the emotional and mental level.

There are a number of cognitive behavior therapies and stress management programs that one can attend. A number of these counseling sessions are conducted online, thus making it easier to attend.

Are you suffering from bouts of depression and anxiety? You can consult an online psychiatrist and life coach to get rid of such disorders. Contact us to know more and revert back to leading a normal life.

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