How to Beat Safi男iva in Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Posted by marie robert on December 26th, 2019

The new expansion of Monster Hunter World Iceborne has created an enormous room of opportunities for Capcom. The latest additions are a massive hit as they make the players hunt down an all-new monster along with experiencing an adventurous journey in the newly added areas. It also includes new challenges that are easily surpassing the level of the previous base game. One of the new monsters that are being added to the game is Safi’jiva, who is a huge dragon equipped with several deadly attacks.

Killing Safi’jiva is pretty fun for the players because it will result in lots of rewards. The game objective requires the player to kill Safi’jiva in a minimum time schedule of 20 minutes, and it is a pretty hard job to complete because the monster’s energy relies on three phases. Below, we have prepared a strategy that will guide you to accomplish the killing of monster Safi’jiva easily.

Weapons and Attacks

Players should begin with the skills of Partbreaker and Weakness Exploit because materials and points attained in this game by breaking parts. Safi’jiva’s is a pretty powerful monster and thus obtains an ability to resist enormous powerful attacks even it can dodge Tenderizing attacks with Clutch Claw. Players can go with Teostra Armor as it comprises of heat guard along with Sharpness and Weakness Exploit.

Players need to use Dragon weapons along with elements involved, such as blast and the poison. The process also requires Cutting weapons that needed to be used on the hands of the monster, and the hammer should be used on its legs. The process of the mission totally relies on the team, so make sure that you choose a great player.

Room One

In this section, players need to use three ways to trap Safi’jiva, and the first one is to drop two boulders straightly on its head. This will result in huge damage to Safi’jiva and a lot of points gain for the player. Safi’jiva can use its powerful Beam attack that can be dodge by heading in one direction and quickly begin running in another position.

Room Two

In this section, the player will again encounter similar enmity mechanics of Behemoth. This mechanic will gather all the monster’s focus on the player, and players cannot deactivate this enmity as it is required to reduce Safi’jiva’s energy. Players can use DPS weapon by Lance users who will keep this enmity and continue to stay on the move. Hammers and Dual blades are the best-recommended weapons to use in Room Two. Safi’jiva will definitely posses its attack of Sapphire, and players can defend themselves by hiding behind Jutting rocks.

Room Three

This is the most dangerous Room, and the Farcaster will be needed here. Safi’jiva will also use its Sapphire attacks here, but in this Room, there are no rocks to hide. Once, the Sapphire attacks stop, there will be a formation of geysers occurred in the arena. Players need to activate the enmity and damage the monster by these geysers. Players need to combine together and use their Pin attack from the front side and keep on executing this attack on Safi’jiva. Once Safi’jiva has properly fainted, the player should start attaining Safi’jiva’s rewards.

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Ava Williams is a Norton product expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Ava has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as

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marie robert

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marie robert
Joined: December 25th, 2019
Articles Posted: 16

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