All you should know about sleep ApneaPosted by creditriverdental12 on December 30th, 2019 Sleep Apnea is a severe sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. The people who have it stop breathing many times during sleep, which means that the brain and other parts of the body do not get sufficient oxygen. In this airway is blocked and a person snores or makes choking noises when trying to breathe. People who have this disorder may wake up during sleep multiple times. Even after a full night sleep, people with sleep apnea wake up feeling tired and unrefreshed. The person may feel fatigued, have difficulty in concentration or may unintentionally fall asleep during the day. It is because a person’s body is waking up multiple times during the night. The lack of oxygen in the body can have severe issues in the long term; some of them are High blood pressure, Heart disease, Stroke, Pre-diabetes and diabetes and depression. Sleep Apnea is a condition which affects around 1 million in Canada only, yet most people are either unaware of it or does not take treatment. Usually, a person’s sleeping partner notices the symptoms like loud snoring or sudden outbursts of air multiple times during the night. A sleep medicine physician diagnoses the disorder through an in-lab sleep study or home tests of Sleep Apnea. The primary method for treating the disorder is CPAP therapy (continuous positive airway pressure). To manage sleep Apnea clinics, Mississauga also provides oral devices.
Types of Sleep Apnea There are two types of sleep apnea disorder Obstructive Sleep Apnea It is the most commonly found in people, in this airway is blocked due to collapsing of soft tissue in the back of the throat. Central Sleep Apnea
In this airway is not blocked but the brain fails to signal muscles to breathe, due to instability in the respiratory control centre. Although CPAP is the most recommended method to treat sleep apnea, many people find it cumbersome to set up and use, bothersome to travel with and problems to sleeping partner. Only 20% of people continued the use of sleep apnea after two years of use, which says a lot about the CPAP treatment. How to Sleep Apnea clinics Mississauga To treat sleep Apnea, clinics in Mississauga recommend oral devices which are custom made according to patient. They help in keeping the airway open during sleep, thereby preventing it from collapsing and blocking the normal flow of air during breathing. Oral appliances are suitable for people who do not find CPAP good, or they have issues in using them. If you are looking for the best sleep Apnea clinic in Mississauga, then you can visit the website of Creditriverdental, or you can go to the local dentist in your area. John Hood is the author of this article. To Know more information about sleep apnea clinic mississauga please visit the website. Like it? Share it!More by this author |