Cosmetic Dentistry in Ashok Vihar to Improve Your Smile

Posted by Dr Ashish Jain on January 3rd, 2020

Are you looking for reliable cosmetic dentistry in Ashok Vihar? Cosmetic dentistry has become immensely popular in the recent times. Right from teeth whitening to shaping, replacing teeth, and closing spaces –there is a myriad of methods in cosmetic dentistry that dentists make use of to enhance the overall appearance.

Cosmetic dentistry in Ashok Vihar is gaining impetus in the recent times. Before you undergo any cosmetic dentistry procedure, it is important for you to know about the treatment in detail along with the risks, benefits, and the overall costs.

Teeth Whitening –Top-Notch Cosmetic Dentistry in Ashok Vihar

As the teeth might become stained or discolored with the passage of time, teeth whitening might help in beautifying your smile. Using some chemical processes, the dentist might bleach the teeth in two alternative methods –either through some in-office procedure or providing you some system to make use of at home.


Bonding might help in improving the overall appearance of your teeth if they have excess spacing between them. Bonding can also be applied by your dentists if you tend to have broken, chipped, cracked, or stained teeth.Dentists typically make use of bonding materials for filling small cavities or protecting the exposed root of the tooth.


Veneers are custom shells that are usually made of porcelain or even plastic. The veneers are used for covering the front sides of the teeth. This can help in changing the shape or color of the teeth. Veneers are known to last longer than bonding and offer a superior appearance aesthetically. Veneers can help in improving teeth that tend to have spaces between them, are worn or chipped, have become permanently stained, or are slightly crooked.


Also referred to as caps, the crowns are used for completely covering a tooth and restoring the normal shape or appearance. You would need a crown if:

  • You have misaligned or discolored tooth
  • For protecting a weak tooth
  • You need to restore worn or broken tooth
  • Cover teeth with some large filling
  • Hold the dental bridge in the right place
  • Cover the tooth that has received the RCT procedure

Crowns could be made out of porcelain fused to metal, ceramic, metal, or resin materials. As crowns tend to be costly, the dentists usually suggest them only when other dental procedures are not able to produce the desired results.

Enamel Shaping & Contouring

Enamel shaping & contouring can involve the process of removing or contouring the dental enamel for improving the overall appearance of the teeth. Dentists, in some cases, might combine this process with dental bonding. Enamel shaping & contouring is usually carried out to alter the shape, length, or position of the teeth. Reshaping or contouring of teeth can help in correcting overlapping or crooked teeth, minor biting problems, and irregular or chipped teeth.

Avail the best cosmetic dentistry in Ashok Vihar from the best team of qualified dentists for you!

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Dr Ashish Jain

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Dr Ashish Jain
Joined: February 25th, 2019
Articles Posted: 6

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