Your Guide for Choosing an Epoxy Contractor

Posted by Floor Coating Contractors on January 6th, 2020


It might be shocking to some people but applying an epoxy coating is as simple as painting your walls. It may seem like you’re saving money by hiring yourself to do your floors but unless you have previously worked the varying circumstances of weather and temperature and epoxy flooring, we suggest you take a good hard look at the facts below and then determine if you’re the best fit for the job. Attempting to install an epoxy floor coating alone can end up costing you so much more money than simply researching and speaking with technicians and businesses in your area. Remember, local and small businesses are willing to work with your price ranges, so it is important to start there. So, what should you do, instead of hiring yourself, when looking for the best floor coating contractors?

Know your coating

Yes, do your research on specific epoxy coatings that are popular for properties like your own. This will help you narrow down if a company can even be of service to you. Knowing and learning the differences between coatings can protect you and your best interest, in the long run, so do your research. By the end of your research, if you’re still not convinced on the best coating for you, that is okay because you’ve gained a general understanding of epoxy itself and that will help you find the contractor that will suit you.

Check if they’re licensed and insured

Honestly, the best time to ask is on your first date. Don’t wait until you’re about to sign paperwork to ask if your contractor has a license or if the company is insured in case any damage comes to your belongings. If they don’t present this information immediately, move on. Don’t forget, this is not a boy scout system, ask for copies of everything, including verbal agreements, have everything written down, copied, and on paper.

Reputation, it’s not just a Taylor Swift album

If you’re satisfied with the contractors’ legal requirements, move on to the next important steps, their reputation! What do others, who have worked with your potential contractor in the past have to say about her/his work? How they leave a past client is a telling factor on how they will treat you. It is important to also be forming your own opinions, however, it is better to be safe than sorry. You can also check with the Better Business Bureau and look up reviews that have been written before or simply ask for references.

Asking to see past work, or to speak with past clients is not a strange request, especially if you’re going with a relatively new contractor.

How long have they been running?

Not literally, but you get the point, how long has this contractor been working with or in the business? The best ones haven’t always been around for decades, which takes us back to the aforementioned statements, ask for references.

What is offered?

Don’t hire someone without finding out if they can install the type of flooring you’re looking for. This is where your research comes into play! If you’re looking for a decorative epoxy floor for your home but the contractor you’re in contact with only does garage epoxy you’ve run into an issue. Be sure to ask these questions upfront.

Ask about their methods

Learn the simple methods basic contractors should know like moisture and temperature testing. These are simple, beneficial, and necessary tests before installation for any epoxy installation because without properly preparing the substrate your epoxy floor will not last.

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Floor Coating Contractors

About the Author

Floor Coating Contractors
Joined: January 6th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1