Posted by mokshmissionfoundation on January 10th, 2020

The basic issues that children face need to be addressed without fault or delay. Children in India face deprival of the necessities to sustain life and wellbeing. The burdens of overpopulation and slacks in economy have resulted in major hindrance to cater the imperative needs of providing children the basic facilities and rights.

We have a long way to go in order to be able to achieve success in ensuring complete control over the current scenario of children’s issues. The corrective issues to address malnutrition, illiteracy, child labour, lack of shelter, health issues and infant mortality need to be implemented swiftly so that these major social backlogs can be resolved.   

Identifying these major issues creates a major call for efforts to initiate an effective course of action that will be a sustainable solution to eradicate the problems. While the government and individual strategies have witnessed an increased involvement in working towards helping provide children all over the country the access to basic facilities.   

The consciousness of the civil society is an essential factor to boost these government and individual strategies in deriving better and swifter action that will help achieve an ideal resolution for the same. A child development NGO is dependent on the donations from socially conscious citizens as well as corporations.

Let us shed some light on the major child-related issues we face in India -    

  •   Health-related concerns  

Health complications and lack of access to basic medical care are the two most dreadful factors that contribute to the poor state of children in India. Diarrhoea and malnutrition are commonly observed and most children under the age of 5 fall victim of it. Most of the health-related concerns occur due to poor access to nutritious foods. This results in poor hygiene, infections and lack of immunity. India has a vast population of children who face the harsh of pneumonia, preterm and birth complications, newborn infections, diarrhoea and malaria.   

  •   Low survival rate  

Child deaths are a haunting concern in India. Reports and statistics suggest that more than 1.8 million children in India die every year before making it to their fifth birthday. That is almost 7% of the total annual birth number in India. A large number of factors result in child mortality and low survival rate. At 1.8 million, India ranks highest in child deaths all over the world.  

  •   Lack of basic education

The lack of proper infrastructure, low income, poverty and social unawareness are the major hindering factors that have contributed to lack of education. India contributes 37% to the global illiteracy rate and with rise in population, the numbers are going to soar. Without the proper initiatives and awareness, countering lack of education becomes a challenge. The works of charity in Delhi and all over the country combined with the generous donations from citizens and organizations is what we require to be able to emerge triumphant in our fight against illiteracy.

  •   Exploitation through slavery as Child Labour              

Modern slavery has contributed to Child Labour. In India child labour is exploited through bonded labour, trafficking, domestic help, etc. Children in India find themselves trapped for work in extremely unfavourable conditions and their safety, survival, nutrition and access to basic right get murdered even before they reach the age of gaining an understanding of affairs. Misuse of children in such illegal ways has to be countered through strict initiatives.       

  •   Violence against children    

Children become an easy target for mental as well as physical abuse. The percentage of offences against children in India has risen over the years and points to the unbearable conditions our children grow in. One in every three adolescent girls falls a victim of violence.       

To promise the children a brighter and better tomorrow!    

As long as even an ounce of consciousness survives in society, there is hope for the betterment of children’s lives. The current conditions faced by children demand to be addressed without delay. While the government and civil societies play a vital role to grant children access to basic rights and facilities, NGO’s like Moksh Mission Foundation that is specifically devoted to this cause, can support these efforts in joining hands to  build a society where every child is independent, healthy, safe and educated.      

Donation to charities offers you an unmatched reward and forges your presence in the fight for child rights. These contributions support volunteer in NGO and enable swift action against these issues!

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Joined: December 13th, 2019
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