A Brief Study about Vitamin E acetate test

Posted by Ainsley Aiken on January 13th, 2020

The vitamin E acetate test is basically a test that is used for the injury of the lung. This vitamin E acetate is used as a cutting agent for the cannabis extracts and for the vape juices that have been joined to a serious illness of respiratory. In the market, this is one of the several additives that the CDC is investigating as a potential reason for the latest epidemic of illness and even deaths.

This is basically a screen that is designed to detect the presence of this specific substance i.e. vitamin E acetate. The method of testing is High-performance Liquid Chromatography. In this test, the amount of sample needed is 0.3-gram concentration and 0.3-gram extract. The fee of this test if 50$ per sample.

Benefits of vitamin E acetate:

There are various benefits of vitamin E acetate. Some of them are given below:

  • It is the form of vitamin E which is commonly used in the formulations of cosmetics for the benefits of its skincare.
  • It also helps in protecting the membranes of the cell from damaging by oxygen free radicals.
  • It also helps in protecting the premature aging of the skin which is induced by UV irradiation and lipid peroxidation.
  • It also helps in the growing epithelization of surface wounds the moisturization of the horny layer.

If you are the one who is searching for the vitamin E acetate test, then we are here with MCR labs that help you in providing this testing and research and development services to medical cannabis product providers. We have strived a lot in order to make our laboratory as the first independent cannabis testing laboratory that is to be certified by the state of Massachusetts.

Cannabis products are mainly prepared with the help of cannabis which is found in plants like marijuana. In a marijuana plant, there are more than 100 cannabinoids and each one of having a different effect on the human body. It can increase the effect of other drugs including anxiety medicines, pain relievers, seizure medicines, and various others. It also helps in improving the capacity of the lung

We endeavor to provide our partners with accurate information that encourages responsible and safe practices. If you want to ask any query related to this, then you can contact us as our experts will provide you the best guidance.

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Ainsley Aiken

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Ainsley Aiken
Joined: March 31st, 2017
Articles Posted: 608

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