Employment Law Solicitors in London: Sharma Solicitors

Posted by Paul on January 13th, 2020

Sharma Solicitors is a boutique, young legal firm specializing in all things about employment law. That’s it. Nothing else.

As employment solicitors in London our employment lawyers can help you at any stage of your employment such as:

Before you start job:

We can help you negotiate and review your employment contract.

Disputes while employed:

Disciplinary and grievances issues

We can protect you from bullying or harassment in the workplace.

Issues with leaving:

Unfair dismissal


We can negotiate the exit package enabling the employee to seek work elsewhere, without post-termination restrictions and with the maximum exit package.

Negotiate a settlement agreement with the employer.

Recover unpaid commission or bonus.

 Why choose Sharma Solicitors?

We will provide a solution to the problem and not just sterile legal advice. We have acted for hundreds of employees over the years from junior to every senior six-figure earning executives.

Contact Sharma Solicitors, Employment Lawyers in London on 0345 430 0145 or contact us online.

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Joined: December 20th, 2019
Articles Posted: 4

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