
Posted by bridgetcurry on January 15th, 2020

Our memory is like a deep well; it provides us with vital “water”, which connects past with the present, and defines the direction for the future. What is this water? As for me, it includes the most striking events of our life. They are different for every person, yet, essential for everyone. In my life, this event is moving to a foreign country and entering school there. It gave me the opportunity to evaluate my homeland, reveal myself in new conditions, and gain a sense of freedom.

When I arrived in the US, it seemed to me that it was not a country, but a new planet. It was difficult for me to accustom to hustling and bustling pace of life. I remember exactly how everyone was shouting aloud, how cars were driving at the breakneck speed, and how people were rushing along the streets. Because of it, I started to value the tranquility and prudence of my own homeland. This experience helped me to understand the importance of all the traditions that my family had given me. For example, I began to realize why it was essential to speak quietly, as only in such a way there was a chance to reach the feelings of other people. Moreover, I gained a helpful lesson – life was too short to walk slowly. That is why, in order to enjoy it and experience its different sides, people should hurry up.

Unfamiliar conditions of a foreign country also gave me the opportunity to reveal myself. In a new school, I gained the chance to attend many interesting circles. I learned how to sing, dance, and theatricalize. Even now, I remember my first time on the scene. It seemed that I was standing on the peak of the highest mountain. On the one hand, I was very fearful, as I did not want to become fun for everyone and “fall” from this height. At the same time, I experienced a sense of self-importance, as I was part of the team. I realized that I could bring beauty to others. That is why there was no necessity for me to prevent myself from advancing the talents. At this very moment, I began to perform without any fears. Thus, moving to a foreign country helped me to understand my inner world.

Nevertheless, the new place helped me to gain not only inner peace but also the outer one. It was a sense of freedom. I realized that human beings should not be restricted to certain places and stereotypes. It was essential for everyone to share cultural values, meet new people, and build a strong friendship. I remember how I came to school for the first time and saw these friendly smiles of my classmates. Firstly, I was very afraid of these new conditions. I did not want to speak a lot with them, as these people were representatives of other religious, cultural, and moral views. I felt like a bird in a cage, made from own beliefs and stereotypes. However, close face-to-face communication, common walks, after school activities, and collective forms of work in the classroom helped me to find my best friends and understand that there could be no borders between the hearts of people. I used remembering techniques during writing a movie review essay

To sum up, the most important event in my life was moving to a foreign country and entering school there. The new place helped me to understand the importance of traditional values of my homeland, such as tranquility and prudence, and gained the new one, such as the importance of time. It provided me with new opportunities, such as circles to reveal talents, with the help of which I understood myself and gained inner peace. What is more important, this event has also given me the chance to experience the outer peace in the form of freedom and understanding that human beings, as well as birds, could not live in the cage, and there were no borders for them. 


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Joined: January 15th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1