Signs Exhibited By Sick Horse That You Must Know

Posted by MichealH Alexander on January 18th, 2020

Horses get sick more often and need more care as compared to other pet animals. The signs and symptoms exhibited by them should not be ignored. At any point, if you feel that the health is deteriorating you must go for professional care. Let’s find out the most common symptoms that are exhibited

The most basic symptom that could be looked for is blood in urine, it shows that your horse has some kind of infection. The color of urine can infer a lot about the health of the horse, so you must look for the injury or problem as soon as you discover the difference in the urine color of your pet.

If your horse is pawing, rolling, and is depicting restlessness then they may be having Colic which is a condition of severe abdominal discomfort. They may also show an inability to defecate, a lot of sweating, sudden lying down and getting up. If you are confused and want to see for colic then offer him a carrot, no healthy horse will refuse a carrot. But if your horse refuses, it could be possibly because he is suffering from abdominal distress. If the horse feces are runny, inconsistent, watery then that could be a sign that there is a problem with the digestive system of the horse. Horses that are for sale

If you notice your horse is having problems in standing then there are chances that he has some injury, abdominal distress or joint pain. You might also notice that he has a problem staying on his feet and continuously staggers while walking. This might be depicting structural issues and you must see a doctor at the earliest.

A horse shows signs of teary eyes, swollen eyes, and partial vision when he has been struggling with some allergic reaction or inappropriate chemical has entered his body. It is observed that the white part of the eye becomes red and the eye seems cloudy. If your horse is not keeping well or is in pain, you will notice that he keeps himself in dark and avoid coming in contact with anybody. The initial signs of allergic reactions comprise nasal discharge, congested or teary eyes. A horse with a painful eye can be very dangerous as it becomes restless because of pain and the inability to see causes him stress.

One of the most common health issues faced during the summer is that of itching. The saliva of midge causes an allergic reaction in the body which leads to inflamed skin. The most affected parts are mane, back, and tail. If it is not treated timely the scratches would turn into bruises and wounds. Mustang Horses

The dental care is a must as teeth get weak with time and are prone to bacterial attack. The swollen jaws, chewing using one side, spilling chewed food are the most common symptoms shown by horses. Sometimes it may be caused due to drooling, lack of appetite, foul breath, and mouth sores. Therefore, special care must be taken. If your horse is moving ears back and forth the time and again then you must pay attention and find the issue or call a vet.

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MichealH Alexander

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MichealH Alexander
Joined: September 11th, 2019
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