Let's get to know the types and sizes of Cordless Circular saws

Posted by Sophie Mcintyre on January 20th, 2020

Circular saws

Cordless Circular sawing machines (Junction Cordless Circular Saw a) a mechanical wooden important one. Is a machine that is easy to use, convenient, fast in both Cross-Cut and Rip-Cut, and can also be used for other tasks such as sashing, door sills, windows, grooving Wood, bevel, slant, etc., and can also cut and slice other materials Apart from wood, such as plywood, various kinds of prefabricated materials, plastic sheets.

Circular saws

Behavioral objectives
1. Can tell the size and speed of the Cordless Circular saw
2. Explain the components of a Cordless Circular saw.
3. Can tell the safety of using a Cordless Circular saw.
4. Describe the characteristics of the saw blade, Cordless Circular saw machine
5. Explain how to use a Cordless Circular saw
6. Explain how to replace and sharpen the Cordless Circular saw blade.
7. Describe the maintenance of a Cordless Circular saw.

1. The size and speed of the Cordless Circular saw
2. Components of Cordless Circular saw machine
3. Safety in using a Cordless Circular saw
4. Characteristics of saw blade, Cordless Circular saw machine
5. How to use a Cordless Circular saw
6. How to replace and sharpening the Cordless Circular saw blade
7. Maintenance of Cordless Circular saws

Circular saws

The size and speed of Cordless Circular saw

Size of Cordless Circular saw machine Called by the length of the largest saw blade diameter that can be installed in that machine, such as a 10-inch Cordless Circular saw, meaning that the saw can install the largest saw blade no larger than 10 inches in diameter, but If you want to install a saw blade that is smaller than 10 inches, it is generally done. The speed and power of the machine will depend on the size. The saw blade is mounted to the machine. Visit here: toolshaven for more information.

Components of Cordless Circular saw:

Cordless Circular saw There are important components as follows
1. Base for the base of the machine ( Base )
2. Table has smooth surface The length and width depend on the size of the machine. There is a long groove on the surface of the machine bag for cutting tools. And at the front and back edges, install a steel bar for controlling the fence to be used to cut the wood.
3. Table Insert is for covering the saw blade. To prevent wood chips from falling under the machine stand And removed when wanting to change the saw blade.
4. Saw Raising Hand Wheel is used to lift the saw blade higher or lower in the cutting or slicing of wood of different thicknesses. Which is located under the front of the engine.
5. Saw Tilt Hand Wheel is used for tilting the saw blade to have an inclined angle to the pedestal. To be used to cut wood or slotted wood at an angle as needed Which will be under the side of the machine platform.
6. Cover the saw blade ( Guard ) may be made of plastic or sheet metal. Installed with the motor bracket Move according to adjustment, lift up the saw blade up and down.
7. Motor ( Motor ) is the driving force of the shaft that holds the saw blade using a belt. The power of the motor used depends on the size of the Cordless Circular saw.
8. Equipment for cutting and logging.
Fence or Rip-Fence is a device that helps to control or guide the wood. Made of metal or plastic.
Miter Gauge is a tool to help hold Mandatory for logging Cut the top of the tree into different corners. Made of steel or aluminum.

Safety in useCordless Circular saw
1. Adjust the saw blade with tools to help cut or slice the wood correctly. So turn on.
2.The saw blade must be raised to about 1 / 8-1 / 4 inches (3-5 mm) above the work surface.
3. After turning on the Cordless Circular saw Must wait for the saw blade to fully rotate first Then feed the wood into the alley or cut.
4. To adjust any part of the sawing machine Must shut down the machine so the saw blade stops first.
5. Covering the saw blade Which must cover the saw blade all the time while the saw blade is rotating Except in the case of specific tasks that must be.

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Sophie Mcintyre

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Sophie Mcintyre
Joined: January 7th, 2020
Articles Posted: 126

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