Top Reasons to Choose SAP Training Institute Delhi for SAP FICO Training in Delh

Posted by Cetpa Infotech on January 20th, 2020

What is SAP FICO?

SAP FICO stands for FI (Financial Accounting) and CO (Controlling) & is an important module for ERP. It has emerged as a core functional component that allows organizations to manage their financial transaction data in the most efficient and hassle-free manner. SAP FI (Financial Accounting) is a reliable tool for external reporting such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements. Whereas, SAP CO (Controlling) is used for planning and monitoring costs.


SAP FICO has two modules, SAP FI and SAP Controlling. The sub-modules are often used accounts receivables, accounts payables, asset accounting, general ledger, etc. While SAP CO is used for internal reporting purposes, implementation of SAP FICO module requires a systematic approach and this can be achieved through SAP FICO Training in Delhi.


These days most tier 1 companies of the world are moving towards SAP frameworks. SAP platforms offer them the option of bringing all their different operations under one umbrella. This saves time and boosts customer service. With all major companies using SAP, the competition alone will drive others towards moving their operations to SAP frameworks. Joining the right SAP fico training in Delhi can help in shaping your career and become a successful SAP FICO Consultant.


SAP FI has become a universal solution for financial management, thus enabling companies to enhance their corporate performance. On the other hand, SAP CO unites and observes overhead needs for financial reporting. By taking SAP training, any candidate can add a new mastery that will give them a tighter grip to expand their vocation. The fact that the SAP FICO course gives you a universal application advantage, one can take his/her career abroad as well. This is one such tool that every organization is implementing to make their work process smoother, thus creating more and more job opportunities for trained professionals in the same.


As SAP FICO is gaining more and more popularity, the knowledge of the same is turning to be a profitable investment for candidates interested. SAP FICO is not only opening many doors to big companies but also giving a boost to the professional careers of those who are already working in the field of accounting. Students holding B.Com, M.Com, CA or ICWA degree can also join this training. The knowledge gained with SAP FICO is being utilized by stakeholders, banks, tax authorities, etc. at an increasing rate. It also helps professionals to learn a better way of handling company accounts and financial transaction reporting. Also, organizations are implementing SAP systems that are generating more and more jobs for executives who are well versed with the tool.


As for the job scenario, there’s a prevalent misconception about SAP jobs that they go to experienced candidates only. That’s not true. There are job opportunities for fresher also. Of course, you will have to look at junior level positions. That does not mean that the pay packets are thinner by any chance! When you compare them to other IT jobs in the market, SAP professionals earn handsomely more. For experienced professionals, the compensation package is much higher, as it should be.

These days more companies using SAP, so the demand for entry-level SAP professionals has shot up in the last couple of years. You will be surprised to know how many trained SAP professionals don’t apply for SAP FICO jobs because they are convinced that they are not going to get it. Or those only experienced SAP executives can land such jobs. Due to the high demand of such professionals, fresher can actually make a good impression and land a lucrative job, provided they are job-ready and well-trained,

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Cetpa Infotech

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Cetpa Infotech
Joined: December 9th, 2019
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