making the room quite pleasant. What was to prevent my enjoyingPosted by xiaocai524 on March 9th, 2012 making the room quite pleasant. What was to prevent my enjoying an hour's nap here? The whole air was resonant with the cheerful hum of life, and the broad matter-of-fact light of day filled every corner of the room. "I yielded--stifling my qualms--to the almost overpowering temptation; and merely throwing off my coat, and loosening my cravat, I lay down, limiting myself to half-an-hour's doze in the unwonted enjoyment of a feather bed, a coverlet, and a bolster. "It was horribly insidious; and the demon, no doubt, marked my infatuated preparations. Dolt that I was, I fancied, with mind and body worn out for want of sleep, and an arrear of a full week's rest to my credit, that such measure as half-an-hour's sleep, in such a situation, was possible. My sleep was death-like, long, and dreamless. "Without a start or fearful sensation of any kind, I waked gently, but completely. It was, as you have good reason to remember, long past midnight--I believe, about two o'clock. When sleep has been deep and long enough to satisfy nature thoroughly, one often wakens in this way, suddenly, tranquilly, and completely. "There was a figure seated in that lumbering, old sofa-chair, near the fireplace. Its back was rather towards me, but I could not be mistaken; it turned slowly round, and, merciful heavens! there was the stony face, with its infernal lineaments of malignity and despair, gloating on me. "You haven't quite hit it," she said, plaintively. "I was moving gracefully at the arms of another. Mamma had one of her periodical attacks of rheumatism in both elbows and shoulders, and I had to rub them for an hour with that horrid old liniment. I hope you didn't think that smelled like flowers. You know, there were some West Point boys and a yachtload of young men from the city at last evening's weekly dance. I've known mamma to sit by an open window for three hours with one-half of her registering 85 degrees and the other half frostbitten, and never sneeze once. But just let a bunch of ineligibles come around where I am, and she'll begin to swell at the knuckles and shriek with pain. And I have to take her to her room and rub her arms. To see mamma dressed you'd be surprised to know the number of square inches of surface there are to her arms. I think it must be delightful to be a hermit. That--cassock-- gabardine, isn't it?--that you wear is so becoming. Do you make it--or them--of course you must have changes- yourself? And what a blessed relief it must be to wear sandals instead of shoes! Think how we must suffer--no matter how small I buy my shoes they always pinch my toes. Oh, why can't there be lady hermits, too!" Gifts have an amazing power of spreading happiness. Just think about it, when you are down in your life and someone gifts you something without any reason or occasion, how does it make you feel? You feel loved, cared and most of all happy. Same thing goes for a situation where you are the giver. You see a loved one feeling sad and you do not know how to cheer them up. Just give them a gift, anything and the smile you would get in return would be more than worth the effort or the money spent. This action of gifting is nothing new. But when it comes to gifting someone for some occasion it becomes a little difficult to decide. Let me help you out. Suppose the occasion is the 30th birthday of a friend. As 30th birthday gifts, you can always go for general gifts like photo frames or photo albums, if the person is not that close to you. But even then you can make the gift special and unique by personalizing it a little just by adding some photographs. If the friend is close to you, you can go for more personal 30th birthday gifts since you would know well the likes and choices of a friend so close. You can get the things you know your friend has always wanted like for example, a certain record by a particular singer and so on. Whatever you get, do not forget to add your personal touch to it. You can write things for your friend in a hand-made card and give it along with the gift and a bunch of flowers, if the friend is a woman. You can also bake a cake as it will only make the birthday extra special. Like it? Share it!More by this author |