Why lion-of-Judah jewelleries are so important for Jews?

Posted by Neilstark on January 21st, 2020

Lion-of-Judah ornaments have got a huge biblical significance. Jesus Christ got the title of Lion-of-Judah being Judah king David’s descendant. To the Christians all across the globe, these ornaments are quite special as their religious sentiments are attached to them. Though all varieties of these ornaments are the impressive lion of Judah pendant deserves special mention.

The rising popularity of lion-of-Judah ornaments:

The culture and religious beliefs of the Judah tribe are directly connected with the lion of Judah jewelry of varied kinds. These jewelry represent amazing craftworks. The embellishments are simply great and can definitely remind you about the older Jewish days. The lion sign included within this jewelry basically symbolizes the tribe of Judah.

The tribe members were as brave and undefeatable as lions. This jewelry also enables you to know about the excellent architecture and artistic skills of the Jerusalem people. Jerusalem was the place where the tribe ruled for centuries. The place is basically known as the motherland of the Judah tribe. Lord Jesus Christ belongs to this land only.

Christians consider this jewelry the best gift of their lives. Jewish people also consider these jewel pieces as one of the most important parts of their rituals and culture.  is pretty graceful to look at and Christians believe that having this pendant will bring them a great fortune with lots of happiness.

The pendant reminds of their civilization’s value and also keeps them connected with their cultural roots. In some Jewish families, lion-of-Judah jewelry gets transferred from one generation to another. They preserve them as the most valuable possessions. This jewelry is heavily inspired by the bible and thus losing them might hurt the religious sentiments of the Jewish people still today.

The emotional value of this jewelry is much higher than that of their monetary value. Top jewelry designers of Israel have engraved some of the most traditional designs on this jewelry. The designs are so refreshing that they can easily meet up the style and taste of every Jew. You can gift these ornaments to your loved ones on religious occasions or events.

The symbols included in Lion of Judah jewelry tell a lot of stories about ancient Jewish kings and their eras. These jewelry have been ruling the Jews for a very long time and if you are a true Jew then you would definitely know why they are so very high in sentimental or emotional value.

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