Some Basic Facts On Credit Inquiry Which Will Help You Determine When To Challen

Posted by Jacab Roy on January 21st, 2020

In this article we shall look into some of the major aspects that are related to credit inquiry. When does credit inquiry occur? What are the different types of credit inquiries and why are they made and by which agencies these inquiries are conducted? Basically a Credit inquiry can take place if the lender asks for a full credit history of your credit report from one of the credit reporting agencies. The problem and issue with such inquiries into your credit history is that they can adversely affect the credit score. The impact will be sustained in the credit score for up-to two years. This article will help you determine when to remove hard inquiry from your credit report.

Basically what these Inquiries into your record will do is that they will reflect the number of times you have applied for credit. And this number or stats will be used by lenders when you will apply for a credit, and this will be further used by them to decide whether you are fit for them to approve the lending. However, there are circumstances when an unapproved inquiry can be removed from the report. This can be done by making a credit inquiry removal letter and forwarding the same to the credit reporting agency and by disputing the same online.

Understand the difference between hard inquiries and soft inquiries. It is a very important and considerable step here to determine the same. It is important for you to recognize that despite the fact that the data provided by either of the two types of inquiries will be the same; however, the effects will not be the same.

it is a very common misconception that if one checks one’s own credit history than it reflects poorly on the credit score. However, as far a reality is concerned, this is not the case and as a matter of fact it is quite the opposite. A soft inquiry is a self made inquiry or a self analysis of one’s own credit report and it does not reflect on the credit score and make any adversely-affecting changes and alternations.

On the other hand you have hard inquiries, which are pulled up when a lender decides to ask for our credit history. A lender may want to see your credit history if you are applying for a credit card, a new loan or any line of credit per se. Other than that, even banks and property managers tend to request for your credit report, in case you want to set up accounts. This is done to analyze your credit history and based on that they should decide whether or not you are eligible for the loan or the credit for which you have applied.

Jacab Roy is the author of this article. To Know more information about remove hard inquiry from credit report please visit the website.

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Jacab Roy

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Jacab Roy
Joined: May 15th, 2019
Articles Posted: 11

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