Why Video Marketing Helps Grow Dental Practices

Posted by Ajay Prasad on January 23rd, 2020

Video marketing is a cost-effective and simple way to market your dental practice. Videos have become a useful and powerful tool in digital marketing for dentists. Consumers like videos more than text as they deliver information in a quicker and more understandable manner.

Statistics reveal that 55% of people watch videos daily, 78% of people watch videos weekly, and people who have watched a video are 85% more likely to become prospective patients. By creating impactful and videos that explain your business, you can generate leads and draw in more patients to your dental practice.

How Video Marketing HELPS

Video marketing is one of the best digital marketing strategies to boost brand awareness and has shown significant results. There are many ways to create dental marketing videos, even with limited efforts. Dentists should create appealing and attractive videos to market their dental practice and get more patients. However, the success of video marketing depends on the types of videos you create.

Videos that present dentists in a more personal way will add more value, as we all know that personal care and a human touch is vital for the dentist/patient relationship. Also, your dental marketing videos should be good in quality and audio clarity, answer your patients’ questions, and provide valuable information that sets you apart from competitors. Informal, conversational, and low-budget dental videos can market your practice and build your credibility. So, let’s explore how.

Videos Boost SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Ranking

Google rewards and prioritizes websites with video content. Search engines like Google and Bing index video content’s titles, meta tags, and descriptions, which helps to rank. By including videos on your websites, you maybe 53 times more likely to be ranked on the first page of search engines. Also, adding videos can increase your click-through rates, create quality backlinks, and lower your bounce rates.

Videos Provide Answers People Want

Videos are the most preferred form of online content as they convey a lot beyond what you say in writing. Videos are a perfect way to create a personality for your practice and brand.  Also, they will educate and inform your viewers about your practice, the services you offer, your affordability, and everything else that sets you apart from others. These details will guide your patients in their decision-making process. Overall, videos enable you to connect with your viewers and earn their trust personally.

Videos Promote Trust and Ease Anxieties

Videos help to combat patients’ fear of going to the dentist. Patients will be comfortable scheduling an appointment with you after watching a video that shows your practice in a way that it is welcoming, your staff interacting with your patients in a pleasing and cozy waiting room, and how a TV or aquarium at the waiting room entertains your patients while they wait for their appointment.

You can earn patients’ trust by sharing honest and authentic information about your practice. In addition, you can build your brand recognition and credibility by sharing oral health tips, explaining procedures, and answering common patient questions in your video.

Videos Get New Patients

A video that explains your thoughts and ideas on dental care, the specialties of your services, how you treat your patients, and what techniques your experts use to address some dental issues can help patients differentiate your services from others and become your prospects.

Moreover, you can easily measure the success of your video marketing campaigns by tracking views, engagement metrics, and even leads through Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, and new patient surveys.

Types of Videos You Can Make to Grow Your Dental Practice

After exploring the benefits of this modern marketing medium, it's time to analyze the most engaging videos that you can create for your dental practice. Consider these dental videos to grow your practice, stay ahead in the competition, and get more patients:

  • Videos That Showcase Your Dental Office

You can deliver a personal message about your dental practice through the videos of your staff and office. Create a video that shows your dental practice and its important areas, such as the waiting and procedure rooms along with your dentists and the rest of your staff. You can also create videos about events or celebrations that you are organizing or sponsoring.

  • Videos That Explain Treatments and Procedures

Through dental videos, you can educate your patients about your procedures and treatments. Studies reveal that 85% of learning is done visually, so you must consider including videos that explain your dental procedures and treatments. Create short video clips that include everything from standard procedures to advanced treatments and direct your viewers to your social media pages and websites through them. This will reduce their fear of pain or consequences associated with the treatments and help to view the benefits.

  • Videos That Include Patient Testimonials

Patient reviews play an essential role in building your reputation and lead-generation. Put your patient testimonials in video form and post it on your website and social media pages. Every review or testimonial will help build your credibility and get new patients. Even though there are different strategies available to grow your dental practice, nothing can be as engaging, inexpensive, and popular as video marketing. Whether your goal is to get new patients, build your credibility, or familiarize your dental practice, videos are a great way to accomplish it.

Video marketing not only enables dentists to reap countless benefits but also increases your visibility and reputation online. If you have any questions about digital marketing for dentists and how you can acquire more patients, please contact us!

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Ajay Prasad

About the Author

Ajay Prasad
Joined: January 23rd, 2020
Articles Posted: 1