
Posted by Sumit on January 25th, 2020

Duck is a name that is used for a number of aminal species in the waterfowl family. Ducks are usually aquatic birds that can be found in the sea as well as freshwater. A baby duck is usually known as duckling whereas the male duck is known as drake. Female ducks are usually referred to as ducks only.

Ducks symbolize numerous things. These aquatic birds are connected to the spiritual world by many different bonds. Because ducks possess various capabilities in them, that’s why they are believed to be able to travel between the realms of spiritual forces and the reality of the world.

It has been believed that they are able to communicate between the spiritual spheres and the physical universe. Ducks are able to both fly and swim and these characteristics also symbolize some features.

A flying duck is said to be associated with spiritual freedom whereas the swimming duck represents the realm of unconsiousness. Ducks have a high value and they are admired by a lot of people because of their many characteristics.

We feed on duck meat, we eat their eggs, we also use duck fat and feathers and so on. Apart from these uses that ducks provide to people, they also possess characteristics that make them magical, extraordinary and very symbolic birds.


Ducks symbolism connects generally with water energy and emotions. As duck is a spiritual animal, it helps us to navigate our intuitions and intentions. They provide you guidance and ability to focus, reminding you to set your intellect aside and believe in your intuition.

In the natural world, duck is a common bird found in every part of the world except in Antarctica. Their glossy feathers, rounded beaks and webbed feet are very familiar to people. They can be found swimming in the man-made lakes and ponds. Whenever you find a duck totem, its important for you to evaluate things that you were previously thinking about.

The totem of the duck can have many different meanings. Below are some of these:

Intuition: Duck totem animals usually help us in reconnecting with our emotions and also provide us with a gift of intuition. People who have got ducks as their totems are highly intuitive and people make their decisions mostly based upon their intuitive insights only. These people know what to do emotionally in certain situations.

Nurturing: Mother ducks are very caring and nurturing. They teach their ducklings to swim and also teach them to survive in the wild after they hatch. The duck totem animal presents you with the gift of nurturing and caring for your loved ones. You are most likely to be a person who likes to care for their loved ones a lot and make sure that they don’t miss something really important.


Silliness: People who have got ducks as their totem are often considered silly and goofy. They like enjoying and having fun on small things that happen around them. These people love to crack jokes so that other people can laugh as well. Everyone enjoys the company of such people.

Molting: Like many other birds, ducks also go through stages of molting their feathers. They lose their old feathers and make space for the growth of new ones. The totem of a duck represents the period of growth and transformation phase in your life. This is the period where you improve yourself as well as your life. This also represents that you should be able to release the old things in order to make space for new things in your life.

Emotional balance: The totem of duck often symbolizes emotional balance in your life. While the male duck, drake symbolizes positivity, joy, and happiness, the female duck symbolizes its opposite. It symbolizes negativity and sadness. Our emotional balance system requires all the emotions whether bad ones or good ones in proportion.

The duck totem animal teaches a person to balance his emotions in life. They teach us to embrace all the negative as well as positive emotions that we have inside us. By doing this you will be at peace with your emotions and you can lead a calm and positive life.

Adaption: Ducks have the experience of all the three elements of the earth. They can fly, they can walk on the ground and they can swim as well. They have all the capabilities to adapt themselves according to the situations. That is why duck totem animals teach us to get adapt to every circumstance that comes in our life.

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Joined: January 25th, 2020
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