Basic Risks of Diabetes

Posted by Jessymeshak on February 1st, 2020

Diabetics should not use the Diabetes Freedom Review  packed juices of fruits because these juices box contains good quantity of sugar no matter how much they claim that it is sugar free. If you like juice, you can drink fresh juice but eating raw fruit is much better then drinking its juice especially the juice available in the market which contains sugar and preservatives both are not good for health of diabetics. So eat fresh fruits to live a good life.

Symptoms of diabetes are not always present with type 2 diabetes, but when one is noticed, it should be checked out by your doctor. So many people ignore these signs of diabetes for years and end up with damage to their body that could have been prevented.

A type 2 diabetics cells are partly closed to the sugar in the blood and this causes it to build up and cause these common signs. Here are the more common symptoms of diabetes. Many people with diabetes urinate more often because the body is getting rid of extra sugar through the urine. This is what causes them to be extra thirsty.

Blurry vision is caused by the high amount of sugar in the blood that pulls fluid from out of the tissues of the body, including the fluid in the eyes. This effects the ability of the eyes to focus. Tingling in the hands and feet is caused by the small blood vessels being damaged by high levels of sugar in the blood and not being able to supply the nerves. This can also lead to numbness in the hands and feet.

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